Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Current Issue of Global Concern

A Current Issue of Global Concern: The Significance of Education for Peace and Stability in Afghanistan  © Over 30 years of war and instability have ruined the infrastructure of all spheres of Afghan life. Education has probably been the sector that has sustained the most devastation in Afghanistan. Educating the Afghan populace – especially the young generation – is a critical facet toward engendering enduring peace and stability, alleviating endemic poverty, and resuscitating economic growth in the country.From this writer’s personal awareness, in Afghanistan today most schools lack proper teaching facilities and materials (apart from the usual facilities this would include current library holdings, computerized language labs, computer labs etc) . But perhaps most important of all †¦in Afghanistan †¦there is a critical shortage of qualified teachers. Teachers with current qualifications reflective of those which would be demanded, at a minimum, in n eighboring states †¦let alone the rest of the world.Beyond the issue of availability of adequate educational opportunity however, the educational crisis in Afghanistan is further acerbated by societal circumstances. This writer is certain most readers will be aware of the circumstances which prevail in Afghanistan but, according to a report by Surgar (2011), Afghan parents are reluctant to send their children to school buildings which – because the populace is aware of the grim inadequacy of the schooling facilities – are strikingly empty of activity and children.The Surgar report underpins this writer’s own research on the ground in that it reveals that the quality of Afghan education is â€Å" low† and in most cases a striking non-existence of textbooks and of proper curricula and syllabi is evident. Another issue that has a bearing – but which has not figured prominently in discussions about the re-engineering of the Afghan educational syst em – relates to the socio-cultural bias that many Afghans have toward the education of females, especially in the conservative and remote areas of the country.This is another challenge that the Afghan government needs to wrestle with. According to a report by the United Nations Children’s Fund the disparity between the enrollment (at schools offering even the most basic educational facilities) of girls’ and boys’ is enormous. In 2009 the enrolment of young Afghan girls constituted only 35% of the total primary school enrollments (UNICEF, 2009). This percentage swells in some rural provinces in the south of the country such as in Zabul Province. Due to growing instability 90 out of 100 girls are not in schools in that province.As an average only 50% of all children receive schooling in Afghanistan (IRIN, 2011). Beyond early School education †¦in Afghanistan today there are other significant education related challenges that need to be addressed. Among them is the desperate circumstance surrounding availability of higher education opportunities   (certificate, diploma   and degree programmes)   for those Afghans who have actually made the difficult, and sometimes perilous, journey through early school †¦to qualify with a High School qualification.Part of the issue is an epidemic of despair that, for those who complete early schooling †¦high school †¦ and do not have the resources to proceed further with their education, there are virtually no employment opportunities upon graduation. This situation, obviously, only lends to the damaging environment of thought that education does not do anything to better ones lot in life. Further looming education related problems continue to surface in Afghanistan. According to the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan (2010), the number of high school graduates will reach 600,000 students by 2014.These are young eager Afghans on the brink of adulthood who should be ab le to look to their own country for the provision of further, higher education opportunities with which to prepare themselves to compete in a world filled with others of their own age who are forging ahead armed with modern further education qualifications. Under normal circumstances the half a million or more Afghans who will seek admission to college or university should not – if proper strategic planning had been evident †¦if the governmental will had been evident – have been a problem. Unfortunately such is not the case in Afghanistan.As of this time of writing – in January 2011 – the currently existing public and private universities do not have the capacity to cope with such a huge number of potential new applicants (MoHE, 2010). Although, the Afghan government sponsors higher education of some Afghan students by sending them to countries such as the United State and India,   in a nut-shell this alternative is disastrously expensive for Afgha nistan, and, in most cases, futile. Most Afghan students studying abroad – upon earning whatever qualification they had sought – often do not return to Afghanistan after completion of their education.This writer is personally aware that many seek asylum in the host countries (personal research, 2010). Despite the fact that – since the fall of Taliban in 2001   – the Afghan education sector has – according to the nation’s Ministry of Education – witnessed substantial progress in, for instance,   the amount of overall enrolment in some form of educational pursuit (7 million),   the training of teachers, and the construction of over 4,500 schools (Afghanistan Ministry of Education, 2010); Afghanistan sustains the highest illiteracy rates in the world for both men and women.More than 11 million Afghans over the age of 15 still cannot read or write. In rural areas, where the majority of Afghans live, 90 percent of the women and more than 60 percent of the men are illiterate (REAC, 2010). This situation has created a perfect opportunity for the opposition of the Afghan government to exploit the unawareness of the locals and use them for political and personal agendas (Time, 2010). It is this writer’s strongly-held personal belief that Education has a pivotal impact on peace and stability.If the Afghan government – and the international community which spends billions in Afghanistan facing the enemy militarily – want to bring peace and security to Afghanistan, they must play a strong, supportive role in pressing the Afghan authorities to focus upon educating Afghans. In essence there needs to be a sea-change in the much promulgated strategies we fall victim to so often from supposed experts. The essential need is that there MUST be greater and better educational opportunities inside the country.It is patently obvious that in this vital period of national re-building the authorities have many other vital imperatives to address. Hospitals, transportation infrastructure, etc. But in ignoring the country’s precious resource – its young.. its youth †¦and their education †¦Afghanistan is breeding further problems. The high rate of unemployment and crisis-level –lack of availability of opportunities to higher educational institutions simply means more foot soldiers for the enemy (Associated Content, 2007).The opposition †¦ fighting in Afghanistan†¦ easily recruits disaffected, disgruntled, under-educated, and under-utilized young Afghans and uses them against the Afghan government and coalition forces. Even the encouraging strides to provide more schools, colleges and universities, made by the Afghan education authorities are, to this writer, insufficient. Far too often (public, state-funded) Universities from the Coalition countries float into Afghanistan and enter into arrangements with local government universities.This is not necess arily what is needed. The Afghan Education authorities should not – in this era of resuscitation – try to go it alone. They should encourage private higher educational organizations – who may be more apt to develop genuine long-term relations – given their personal investment not garnered from government coffers – to invest in the country †¦to open degree programmes in discipline areas which will train Afghans to take their place in the global arenas of business, commerce, international trade, international relations, and leadership.The Afghan Education authorities should encourage international private education entities to invest in the nation and its people by making the currently extraordinarily- difficult approval process much leaner and rational. As the new school year begins in Afghanistan, The Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium (HRRAC) released Report Card: Progress on Compulsory Education. The new report urges policymakers to work harder to address urgent and long term education needs in the country. Oxfam International is one of the Consortium members.The report card (for grades 1-9) recognizes that Afghanistan has made progress in enrollment, but finds key gaps in school completion rates, policy management, quality of education and available resources. * Despite the increase in school enrollment, more than half of Afghanistan's children don't attend primary school. Less than 34% of those enrolled are girls. * Drop-out rates are high, particularly among girls. Of those attending primary school, only 9% go on to secondary school. * Female teachers are scarce. In one province there is one female teacher for every 152 male teachers.Increasing the number of female teachers is essential to increase the enrollment of girls. HRRAC recommends that international donors honor their commitments to provide sufficient and long-term funding for Afghanistan and ensure adequate steps are taken to increase the enroll ment of girls and improve the quality of education. The Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium is a group of Afghan and international organizations working in the fields of humanitarian relief, reconstruction, human and women's rights, peace promotion, research, and advocacy.It was established in early 2003 to engage in proactive research and advocacy on human rights issues over a sustained period. Opposition within Afghanistan to girls’ participation in education predates the Taliban. Historically, education for girls was rare in rural Afghanistan and almost exclusively confined to the capital. In 1919 King Amanullah seized the Afghan throne and began a rapid development of the country’s secular education system, with a particular focus on expanding education for women.During this period shortly following independence from Britain, women and girls were encouraged in their scholarly pursuits. This shift, however, directly threatened the centuries-old practice of traditional male-oriented madrassa (religious) education among many of the ethnic tribes in Afghanistan. Amanullah’s experiment with a secular approach to education, along with other reforms prohibiting polygamy and bride price — the provision of money to the wife’s family upon marriage — aroused protest from the country’s religious establishment, who eventually supported the overthrow of the king.Nadir Shah, who took power following Amanullah, was more cautious in his attempt to introduce educational opportunities for women. Nevertheless, over the course of the twentieth century, and in particular during King Mohammed Zahir’s long reign between 1933 and 1973, Afghanistan’s education system steadily expanded even as it continued to be influenced by demands from the country’s conservative cultural and religious authorities. By the 1970s, women made up over 60 percent of the 10,000 students who studied at Kabul University.The ri se of the Soviet-backed People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan in 1978 brought large-scale literacy programs for men and women, again alongside the abolition of bride price and other reforms beneficial to women. During this period leading up the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, reforms in areas such as education stirred resentment among religious and tribal leaders in the rural areas. Although full implementation of these reforms were limited by political exigencies, women were able to experience expanded access to education and also the opportunity to actively participate as university faculty staff.During the Soviet occupation from 1979 to 1989, Afghans lived through a devastating war fueled by external forces and funding from multiple countries, among them the United States, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and China. Islamic militants, or Mujahideen, thrived in rural areas and constructed their own revolutionary army with the goal of overturning all socialist policies suc h as those governing women’s rights in general, and access education in particular. With the fall of the Communist government in 992, the country was divided among warring factions, many of them religiously inspired Mujahideen groups ideologically opposed to modern education and to education for girls. Millions of Afghans, particularly the educated, emigrated to other countries. Many of the schools not destroyed by war were closed due to lack of security, the lack of teachers and teaching material, or simply because of dire poverty. Education under the Taliban went from bad to worse. The Taliban focused solely on religious studies for boys and denied nearly all girls the right to attend school.During the Taliban’s rule, only about 3 per cent of girls received some form of primary education. The prohibition of female education, coupled with the cultural mandate that women receive their health care from female health care providers, resulted in a vulnerable population re ceiving care from poorly-educated providers. Twenty-three years of war have destroyed the infrastructure of the education system and further increased the illiteracy rate in Afghanistan. Since 2001, the participation of children and adults in education has improved dramatically and there is great demand.Afghanistan has one of the youngest populations on the planet. Unexpectedly large numbers showed up when schools reopened in 2002, and enrollments have increased every year since, with the Ministry of Education reporting that 5. 2 million students were enrolled in grades one through twelve in 2005. This includes an estimated 1. 82-1. 95 million girls and women. An additional 55,500-57,000 people, including 4,000-5,000 girls and women, were enrolled in vocational, Islamic, and teacher education programs, and 1. 24 million people were enrolled in non-formal education programs.These numbers represent a remarkable improvement from the Taliban era. More Afghan children are in school today than at any other period in Afghanistan’s history. In 2003, in response to the lack of educational opportunities in Afghanistan for the general population and especially for females, the United States Agency for International Development funded the Afghanistan Primary Education Program (APEP). APEP offers emergency access to accelerated elementary education for out-of-school youth between 10 and 18 years of age, focusing on females.Between 2003 and 2005, APEP supported accelerated learning programs for 170,000 over-age youth in more than 3,000 villages in Afghanistan. Located at Kabul University, the Women’s Teacher Training Institute opened in September 2004. The institute is currently operating programs that aim to teach basic literacy to Afghan women in rural areas and to reduce maternal and child mortality. Despite numerous positive steps forward in education for Afghan women and girls, persistent violent attacks on schools by resurgent Taliban and other forces co ntinue to force some schools to close.In a statement released in June 2006, Ret. U. S. Gen. Barry McCaffrey stressed the comparative superiority of the Taliban’s equipment and tactics to those of the NATO-trained Afghan National Army (ANA). â€Å"They are brutalizing the population,† wrote McCaffrey of the Taliban, â€Å"and they are now conducting a summer-fall campaign to knock NATO out of the war, capture the provincial capital of Kandahar, isolate the Americans, stop the developing Afghan educational system, stop the liberation of women, and penetrate the new police force and ANA. Summary AIL works to empower Afghans by expanding their educational and health opportunitites and by fostering self-reliance and community participation. What is the issue, problem, or challenge? Afghan women and children had no access to education for a decade. After the fall of the Taliban in 2001, the Afghan Institute of Learning organized Educational Learning Centers (ELCs) to bring women life-saving healthcare and education. AIL helps local leaders start ELCs and decide where and what services to offer.AIL has requests for ELCs from many communities that have not historically been open to education for women. AIL now supports 44 ELCs in Afghanistan and refugee camps of Pakistan. How will this project solve this problem? AIL’s ELCs serve 350,000 women and children each year with medical and reproductive healthcare, health education, skills training, teacher training, leadership/human rights classes, pre-school through post-secondary education, and fast track classes. Potential Long Term ImpactBecause AIL is run by Afghan women and respectful of Afghan culture, conservative villages trust AIL to begin services for thousands of isolated women in dire need. Other NGOs and the Afghan government now use this model for women’s services. Project Message Our eyes are opened. Now we can read and write. Actually, now we have come to know the value of an edu cated person in a society. We thank AIL for enlightening rural areas with the lights of education. – Salma, woman in a literacy class in a rural ELC

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

We Should Not Put Our Families in Nursing Homes

We should not put our families in nursing home Purpose To persuade my audience why they should not put their family members in a nursing home. Introduction Do you have a disable or elderly family member that can not do for themselves? We as people need to think about where we place our family members as far as nursing homes and facilities. Many of you may not have any disable family members, but I know you may have elderly family members, and you do not need to put your family member in a nursing home.I know this because I have been a nursing assistant for four years and I also have a sister who has been a nursing assistant for three years and has done home health care and nursing home services. I had two family members in a nursing home. One passed away and the other one did not start to recover until she came home. Central Idea I am here to convince you to that you should not put your family members in a nursing. Preview You should not put your family member in a nursing home becau se in a nursing home the ratio is 1 caregiver to 10-15 patients, your independence is limited, and the chances of your love ones improving are little to none.Body I. The first reason why you should not put your family member in a nursing home is because in a nursing home the ratio is one caregiver to ten to fifteen patients. A. The biggest problem in a nursing home is that they are short of registered nurses and nurse aides. 1. According to AHCA (American home care association) as of 2007 the vacancy rate for registered nurses at a nursing home was 16. 3% yet some nursing homes have only one registered nurse for 50 to 70 patients notes Charlene Harrington, a professor of sociology and nursing at the University of California. . For nursing assistants, they have the most work. 3. They have the task of feeding, clothing, bathing, hygiene care, transporting, and these are just a few are the task done on a daily basis. 4. A caregiver does these tasks for more then six patients and over n ight may have the minimum of ten. Subpoint: Now that you have learned about this first risk taking at a nursing home, lets move on to my second reason I. The second reason why you should not put your family member in a nursing home is because their independence is limited. . When being in a nursing care facility your time is limited. You have to get up, eat, and go to bed, etc. at a certain time. 2. When in a home care setting, you can get when you want or go wherever you want without having someone telling you. This gives your family member a chance to live a normal life everyone else. 3. According to the book Elder care: Choosing & Financing Long-Term Care by Joseph Matthews, one advantage of homecare is that you and family can better control the care you receive and avoid the care you do not need or would not need. 4.In homecare services you can also avoid the risks of a family being abused, neglected, and thief. Subpoint: Now that you have learned about these two risks of sendin g your family members to a nursing home, lets move on to my third reason. II. The third reason why you should not put your family reason member in a nursing home is because their chances of improving are little to none. 1. If it is not in the care plan the staff will not do it. This statement says that a caregiver will not take care of the family member any further than then what is on a piece of paper. 2.Failure to provide comprehensive care plans was among was among the top most frequently cited deficiencies in nursing homes facilities in 2008, according to a November 2009 report co-authored by Harrington of UC San Francisco. 3. They may also not provide the care for your family member of their particular need, for example, physical therapy. If a patient is paralyzed on one side or waist down, they may be ridding. In a home care setting, you will have your own social worker, a registered nurse that comes to the home to check on you, and can have therapy at your home or sign yourse lf up for therapy services.Being able to get out and move around whether the family member is in a wheelchair or not can help create a less risk of things like depression, cancer, and bedsores. Conclusion In conclusion, you should not put your disable or elderly family members in a nursing home because in a nursing home the ratio is one caregiver to ten to fifteen patients, your family member independence are limited, and the chances of someone improving in a nursing home are little to none.I am here to convince you that you should not put your family members in a nursing home, if you care about the needs for your love ones and want to avoid the risk of thief, neglect, and abuse. I urge you to better options for your loved ones and not a nursing home. Work Cited Page Matthews, Joseph. Beat the nursing home trap: A consumer’s guide to choosing & financing long-term care. Berkeley, CA: Nolo press, 1990. Print. Matthews, Joseph. Elder Care: A consumer’s guide to choosing & financing long-term care.Berkeley, CA: Nolo press, 1990 and 1993. Print. Bornstein, Robert F. and Languirand, Mary A. When someone you love needs nursing home care. New York, NY. NewMarketPress, 2001. Print. Strickland, Britney. Personal Interview. 2 Nov. 2012. Scherzer, Lisa Ph. D. and Stives, David Ph. D. 10 things nursing homes won’t tell you. N. P. 15 April 2010. Web. 29 Oct 2012

Monday, July 29, 2019

Indicator of Business assessment on Nursing home Article

Indicator of Business assessment on Nursing home - Article Example Thus, the role of nursing homes becomes one of the top most importance in today's life of the society. The elderly care industry can be split into two categories - nursing homes and residential care homes. Nursing homes are fundamentally private hospitals for elderly residents calling for high levels of care, staffed by managers and nurses with sophisticated levels of medical and care training. Residential care homes, on the other hand, are old people's homes. They provide a place to stay for elderly people who conceivably cannot do everything for themselves, yet nevertheless enjoy a degree of independence and require little hands-on care. They are staffed by qualified care takers whose level of training need not be as advanced as those working in nursing homes. Nursing homes as a business or an investment is a field which looks healthy in spite of the economic catastrophe. There are a number of reseat developments for this friendly environment for the investors. Though the extra legislation introduced through the Care Standards Act has made it binding for the potential purchasers to prepare and make a lot of commitment financially and personally on staffing and maintenance of the nursing home, any body now planning to go into this business is assured of study income and thriving business. Running a nursing home can be a rewarding business, as the returns one get from the care homes would be very significant. The majority of nursing facility services is funded by the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Nursing homes with private care patients generally provide higher quality care than facilities dependent on Medicaid patients. National Senior Citizens Law Center states that nursing homes discriminate against Medicaid patients versus private pay. The difference may be a special wing of a home, eviction of Medicaid patients and inferior food and services. One expert noted that nine out of ten attorneys give bad advice on qualifying for Medicaid. Approximately 63% of nursing-home patients of cognitively impaired. Nursing homes provide long term and sub-acute care to persons in need of 24-hour nursing services or significant supportive services. The quality of care and quality of life for residents of nursing homes have been a concern for decades. Nursing home residents are generally frail, physically and psychosocially compromised, heavily dependent upon others for basic care and sustenance, and in some cases near the end of their lives. When residents live in an environment where they are totally dependent on others, they are especially vulnerable to abuse, neglect and exploitation. Nursing home licensees must protect these vulnerable persons and are expected to provide the necessary care and services to allow each resident to achieve and maintain his or her highest possible level of function and well being. Financial status, in fact, causes inequalities in the quality of care received by an elderly person. It mainly may not be with in the same nursing home. African Americans are four times more likely than their white counterparts to reside in substandard nursing homes. But obviously if one has got money the service he gets is simply remarkable. The Silverado is an example to it; Silverado specializes in residents with severe dementia. Most assisted-living homes quarantine such patients in separate wards or ship them off to nursing homes when their

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Can Rousseau plausibly be described as a totalitarian democrat Essay

Can Rousseau plausibly be described as a totalitarian democrat - Essay Example While on the other hand, the education and religion comes under the vision as a biased and detrimental due to the reason that it fortified the individuals (Talmon,  Arieli  & Rotenstreich, pp. 37-50, 2002). The government body in the totalitarian democracy enjoys and leverage with complete power of confiscation and obligation. In simple words, the government has the right to direct and manipulate over each individual and everything else. This concept of totalitarian democracy to some extent goes up against by modern and contemporary experts. According to them, totalitarian democracy is the equality-oriented democracy where complete  rights  and freedoms of people should not come under holding as convict to traditions and social agreements (Talmon  & Arieli  & Rotenstreich, pp. 37-50, 2002). Jean Jacques Rousseau has been a significant and accepted name that advocated totalitarian democracy. In addition, Jean Jacques Rousseau has been a prominent name and one of the greatest figures in the history of the French Enlightenment as he was one of the popular French philosophers whose ideas and thoughts persuaded the French Revolution. In addition, more than just being a philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau has also gained a prominent name as an author/novelist, painter, political and educational theorist/philosopher, musicologist, and composer. Apart from achieving recognition as a totalitarian democrat, he was also a flourishing music composer and made remarkable contributions to the music as a theorist. His work of music has come under findings in the form of operas and several other forms (Jeske & Fumerton, pp. 66-75, 2011). At the initial stage, Rousseau gained reputation as a writer after winning the award for one of his writings. In addition, the history provides the fact that the political events occurred during the time of Jean Jacques Rousseau has been quite influential, particularly for the American and French Revolutions

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Employment Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Employment Relations - Essay Example This paper is an assessment of a case study which involves several issues with regard to potential health and safety problems of employers. It also involves issues of wrongful information and retirement of an employee due to injury. The assessment will be done with regard to the following two areas namely, the relevant statutes and acts which can be used here and the options available to the injured or affected parties. This will be in the form of an advice which can be accepted or rejected by those concerned. This writer had been appointed as an office assistant in a firm engaged in the business of life insurers in the UK called Ricky Gervais & Co Ltd. Many factors that have potential negative effects for employees within the office premises are noticed after reporting for work. The secretaries are not provided with proper chairs that have correct supports. They are made to work for long hours sitting in such chairs and are provided with outdated computer screens. A isolated incident of employee injury due to the prank of another employee also occurred as a result of which the injured party had to leave his current job and work for a lower pay. The company had done nothing with regard to this injured employee. The writer has also found that employee assessment by previous employees had been vindictive and untrue. It contained many false allegations with regard to performance, competence, and dependability. Relevant statutes: There are many recourses of law in the UK which could possibly used by the affected employees. They include the Employment Act of 2008, Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, Employment Rights Act 1996, Employment Relations Act 1999, Employer's Liability (Defective Equipment) Act 1969 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995. They can also take recourse of the employment tribunals in the UK if they so choose as per the provisions of the Employment Tribunals Act 1996. The Employment Act is more of a corrective act is primarily for "repealing and amending existing legislation in the field of employment and trade union law." (Explanatory notes to employment act 2008 2008). Hence it can be used only if it amends or repeals any of the provisions in the other Acts mentioned above. The Employment Relations Act is with regard to trade union relations and hence not very valid here. There is no mention of trade union involvement within the company and hence it can be assumed that Ricky Gervais & Co Ltd is not unionized or even it is so, the strength and bargaining power is low. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is directly related with the health and safety of the employees in the workplace and deals with whatever safety measures taken or not taken by the employer. The Act specifically states that employers are duty bound to see that the workplace is a safe one and should take steps that are as far as practical to ensure that the health and safety of the employers are protected. The Employment Rights Act 1996 related to the rights of employees in several areas of work and this includes safety issues as well. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 also is useful for the injured employee, Geoff. The act states that alternated duties and jobs are to be provided in case employees are unable to perform their

Writing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Writing - Research Paper Example The writers can create their accounts on the website and take classes according to their writing requirements. I like the website as a whole because of its chances that it provides to new writers. I recommend it to all the learners of writing, as it is very constructive. is a supportive site for writers all over the world. The website works as a community of writers and readers where people can upload their writing content and collect comments from readers. Like, also offers writing contests to its participants. The website offers its contributors various writing tools with the help of which, writers can create some writing piece with standard skills. The content that is published on can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other social networking websites. As it is a supportive writing websites for new and old writers, I like this site. I recommend it for its writing tools that can be accessed and used by writers to polish their writing skills. is an encouraging website for writers. The writers are required to submit their written content and get it published. To make writing skills better, the writers are allowed to join online workshops for writing. This website is worthy of praise as writers are facilitated with many benefits such as online workshops, competitions, writing tips and so on. This website is recommendable because it smoothes the progress of writers towards being a skilled and accomplished writer. The website is a guide to grammar and writing. It facilitates its readers and viewers to get grammatical and writing support. The viewers can get help related to the full English language and grammar. The website also provides help for writing student papers such as research papers, essays, reviews, etc. as it gives guidelines as to how papers can be arranged and organized. I like this

Friday, July 26, 2019

Work, People and Productivity Mgt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Work, People and Productivity Mgt - Essay Example The model helps the managers to establish the organizational focus by moving from the well-being and development of the employees to the well-being and development of the organization. Indeed, the model helps in the establishment of an adaptable, flexible, stable, and controlled organization. Since, organization leaders in an organization cannot agree on what contributes to the effectiveness of an organization, the model provides the best framework to define effectiveness. Furthermore, since organizational culture differs from one organization to another, the model helps managers to understand and pass the reference organizational culture to the other stakeholders. The competing values model helps in the differentiation of leadership roles and organization of the leadership roles and personality traits into an organizing schema, which enables organizational leaders and individual managers to understand their responsibilities. Moreover, the model helps organizational leaders to address certain issues like how to be innovative, how to organize and allocate resources, and how to collectively grow and establish organizational change. In addressing these issues, the model enables managers to achieve organizational effectiveness by addressing the competing positive tensions within the organizational culture. Most assuredly, the competing values model can apply in all aspects and levels in organizations where it can help organizational leaders to make effective decisions, motivate employees, recruit employees, establish organization capacity, enhance quality, change organizational patterns, assess financial performance, enhance competency, and evalua te communication within the organization. Managers can use the language and concepts of the model to associate with people at different levels in an organization. Indeed, the model helps managers to diagnose and manage the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Argumentative Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Argumentative - Research Paper Example This essay will argue in support of the points and concerns raised by the author by citing evidence from credible scholarly sources. It was anti-Semitism and fervent nationalism that consolidated government control of German, Italian and Chinese populations respectively in the bygone era. In today’s geo-political situation, terrorism is the most discussed issue in public discourse. Ever since the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, it has been a major pre-occupation of American diplomatic and military efforts. Since the United States is the leader of the prevailing uni-polar world, terrorism now has implications for all countries associated with it. In the context of the ongoing War on Terror, the concept of Islamist jihad is seen as the ideological springboard for the numerous suicide attacks witnessed recently. As a measure to retaliate and prevent terror attacks, America and its allies have initiated several counter-terror operations in perceived geo-political hotspots. To complement these efforts, the scale and scope of counter-intelligence operations are also upped. (Mcgrath, 2004, p.147) But the term counter-intelligence darkly reminds the reader of the CoIntelPro regime of the Cold War period, where the state abused its power to keep a check on citizen freedoms. Curbing civil liberties under whatever guise is seldom a progressive move, as examples from past and present clearly show: â€Å"Tyrants place populations under surveillance because that is a prime means of control. The Gestapo, the NKVD, the KGB, the Stasi, and the Chinese Politburo all requisitioned private data such as medical, banking, and library records; now, with the Internet, Chinese authorities track citizens’ computer use. One reason dictators demand access to such private data is that this scrutiny breaks down citizens’ sense of being able to act freely against those in power†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Wolf, Chapter 5, p.81) While counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence operations might have legitimate causes in certain exceptional cases, today it has come to represent hegemony and power. The record of the United States, especially under eight year reign of George W. Bush speaks ill of the notion of counter-intelligence. Interrogators working on the War on Terror project have resorted to such dehumanizing tactics such as solitary confinement in nudity in order to elicit intelligence information from suspects. Interrogators were learnt to have imposed nudity as a way of inducing ‘learned helplessness’ – which is akin to the psychological subjugation of American public to the domination and control by the elite business and political class. The Obama administration continued this tactic with Pfc. Bradley Manning. Whistle-blowers are being held naked in solitary confinement, â€Å"while our political establishment, a complicit media, and a professional class of lawyers and behavioral scientists attempt to veil American atrocities . Current targeted assassinations of American citizens, landmines, torture, and military tribunals sadly converge with the Bush-Cheney era policy of war and  counter-terrorism.† (Glazier, 2009, p.957) The dangers of indirect censorship and control articulated by Noami Wolf are easier to understand when we study the implications of recent legislations. For example, under George W. Bush's reign, the Foreign Intelligence

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Education and Medicines in Saudi Arabia and the United States Research Paper

Education and Medicines in Saudi Arabia and the United States - Research Paper Example In spite of having various similarities, Saudi Arabia and USA are acutely diverse in various fields. In the field of education, the two countries have a completely different outlook in terms of approach towards education, the rate of literacy, religion followed in school (). Other educational differences include the gender roles, grading scales and stages of education (Stevenson). For instance, attendance is mandatory for primary and secondary level students in the USA, whereas attendance is not mandatory in similar levels in Saudi Arabia (Stevenson). Also, while the USA boasts of a literacy rate of almost 99% for both men and women, Saudi Arabia holds a literacy rate of only 84.7% for men and 70.8% for women (Stevenson). Moreover, the two countries differ grossly in terms of religion followed. Although the majority of the US population follows Christianity, the country is home to the followers of various diverse religions as well. However, Saudi Arabia is a country that strictly fol lows Islam and Muslims dominate society. Also, the two countries exhibit totally uncommon lifestyles (â€Å"The Differences†). People have a conservative mindset in terms of women. Here two women are forbidden to go outside together. Moreover, they have to keep their heads covered in public. On the other hand, USA reveals a liberal and democratic mindset in which both the genders can enjoy equal privileges (â€Å"The Differences†). Strangely, the countries, Saudi Arabia and the United States reveal both similarities and dissimilarities.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Running Business in Brazil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Running Business in Brazil - Essay Example Brazil is expected to invest US $18.4bn for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in 12 Brazilian host cities funding 50 projects (Portal Brasil, 2010). By the end of the 1990s Brazil was ranked tenth in global automotive producers as the nation was willing to experiment with a wide range of supply and production arrangements (Strategic Direction, 2005). Brazil is undoubtedly poised for growth ever since its foreign exchange policy is liberalized. It is moving towards becoming the fifth largest economy (Williams, 2011). However, all these pose a very glamorous image of the nation but businesses desirous of investing in Brazil need to get a complete picture of the benefits and pitfalls. Any disappointments could damage the credibility of the country that it is trying to build up. Economic situation There were more than 10 significant oil discoveries last year which has pushed the nation up in oil producer rankings (The Telegraph, 2011). Brazil is expecting a Tsunami of riches as Petrobras gets full production from the oilfields deep under the Brazilian Seas (O'Shaughnessy, 2009). This would help the nation overcome the repression and torture which impacted the living conditions. Flushed with excessive cash has its pitfalls. Its currency is the most overvalued and real-estate bubble is expected in Brazil as banks have extended risky loans (Lyons, 2011). Cost of doing business in Brazil has risen very fast. Brazil has abundance of natural resources and could be the world power but poor management and leadership have led to large debts (Balsom, n.d.). Economic growth in Brazil has been built on a very fragile structure as 10% of its population is completely illiterate and 68% functionally illiterate (The Brazil Business, 2011). Millions of students emerge from secondary schools without being able to write in English. What is astonishing is that it is socially accepted and expected that they would not learn anything in school. Unemployment in Brazil was 9.9% as of 2009 (McGladrey , 2010). However, through targeted social programs, through subsidizing house loans and raising the minimum wage the government has been able to pull more than 20 million people out of poverty (The New York Times, 2011). President Lula paved the growth that solidified the country and made it a significant player in the world. However, the next President again has not been able to win the confidence of the people. Thus, on the one hand while it has abundance of natural resources, a large industrial base, a huge population base, making the market attractive to investors, economic uncertainties make it difficult to improve its competitiveness or build a modern infrastructure (Austrade, 2001). Labor The nation has a large labor force but the workers are either unskilled or semi-skilled. There is a shortage of technical personnel. Labor unions can be militant especially in the metallurgical, automobile, banking and transport sectors (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2005). They make a significant force in the country. Fringe benefits and social security for the laborers is not very strong. However, foreign investors do not experience problems with labor because they follow local standards and practices. and the country has been the top producer/exporter of soybeans, cattle and beef products, and poultry. Major issues in doing business in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Business Administration Essay Example for Free

Business Administration Essay You should use this file to complete your Assessment. †¢ The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk †¢ Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly †¢ When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference †¢ Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 8 pages and is made up of 7 Sections. Name: Sophie Griffith-Allen Section 1 – Know the employment rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer 1. Identify four main points that would be included in a contract of employment. If possible, use an example contract to support your answer (feel free to obscure any confidential information). In a contract of employment there are certain details which need to be included about the employer and employee, such as their names. Other information that must be included are about the job itself, such as job title, date of employment, duties and responsibilities that are expected from the employee. At Morrisons a probationary period of 13 weeks is included in a contract of employment and the employees contracted hours of work per week. 2a) List three key points of legislation that affect employers in a business  environment. Health and safety Act 1974 Copyright designs and patents Act 1988- Copyright refers to laws that control the use of the work of a creator, such as an artist or author. For a copyright to apply to a piece of work it must be an original idea of their own that is put to use. Data protection Act 1998 2b) List three key points of legislation that affect employees in a business environment. †¢ Pensions- Are very important for employees as the government think that people aren’t saving enough money towards pensions, as of 2012 pensions will undergo a considerable amount of change. †¢ Pay-there is lots of legislation about employee pay. Some examples include: The Equality Act 2010 which contains measures to protect women from being paid less than men for doing the same job. †¢ The National Minimum Wage Act 1998 an Act that was introduced to prevent very low pay. †¢ Employment rights and responsibilities- ‘Employees are expected to carry out their work in a way that has regard to the safety of others. Employers are expected to abide by a range of requirements governing such aspects as providing safe machinery and equipment, carrying out regular health and safety checks, ensuring the training of employees in health and safety issues, and carrying out a risk assessment to assess the dangers of particular work activities.’ 3. Identify a range of places where a person can find information on employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least two internal and two external sources of information. Sources of information where a person can find information on employment  rights and responsibilities are internal sources, such as books and documents held within the organisation, informed colleagues and line managers. Another source of information is external which are found outside of an organisation, such as libraries, the government, equality and human rights commission. 4. Describe how representative bodies can support employees. Representative bodies are one of the ways that employees can receive help and support in the work place. The best known examples of representative bodies are trade unions, which are a large organisation that represent the interests of their membership, they can offer assistance through work based representatives and they will also have regional and national expertise that they can use. Union representatives have a right to paid time to help employees, some of the areas where they can support employees are health and safety, workforce agreement, pensions, information and consultation representation. 5. Briefly describe employer and employee responsibilities for equality and diversity in a business environment. You should give at least two employer responsibilities and two employee responsibilities. If possible, provide relevant equality and diversity procedures from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. In any organisation it is important for everyone to be treated equally. Employees and employers should be treated in a fair way and to be given equal opportunities. This is why there are certain responsibilities to be followed by employees and employers to prevent discrimination, such as people who are doing the same job equally well should all be rewarded fairly. It is morally right to treat people fairly and to avoid unfair discrimination. To prevent discriminatory and unfair behaviour there have  been many laws put in place. Both employers and employees should make sure that inappropriate labelling, stereotyping and prejudice do not influence the way an organisation operates. ‘At Morrisons the issue of equality and diversity are taken very seriously. They recruit, develop and keep the most talented people regardless of gender, race, disability, age sexual orientation, religion and nationality. Morrisons is dedicated to being an equal opportunities employer and support all employees to make the best of their skills’. ‘’Our policy aims to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment. We will treat staff, potential staff and the public fairly and with dignity’’. 6. Briefly explain the benefits of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business environment. Your answer should include one benefit for the employer, one benefit for the employee and one benefit for the overall organisation. Benefits of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business environment are: Employer: Reduces the incidence of bullying and harassment. Employee: Employees will want to work harder, they feel valued, happier and more efficient. It will increase the chance of open competition for opportunities. Overall organisation: As employees are treated with equality organisations will be more successful. Helps to maintain morale and motivation of the workforce leading to increased quality of products, overall it will become more of a successful organisation. Section 2 – Understand the purpose of health, safety and security procedures  in a business environment 1. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for health, safety and security. If possible, provide relevant health, safety and security policies / documents from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. Employers and employees in any organisation have a legal duty that the working environments are safe and secure. The health and safety Act should be followed at all times. Employer responsibilities: Are to provide a secure, healthy and safe workplace that is free from hazards recognised by the organisation. Ensure that employees have safe tools, equipment and materials. Ensure that equipment provided is always properly maintained. Employers must report any fatal accidents. Employers must provide employees with accurate training and medical examinations when required. Employees responsibilities: Are to inform employers of any hazards that have accrued in the workplace. Report job-related accidents that result to injuries and illnesses. Follow the regulations of health and safety that are set by the employer. Familiarise and obey with the organisations standards. ‘Morrisons are committed to achieving and maintaining the highest standards of health, safety and security standards across the company. All staff at Morrisons receives regular health and safety training. There are many rules that all staff at Morrisons must follow in order to prevent any harm not only to staff but to their customers as well, such as always checking floor surfaces are clean with no spillages etc. Morrisons makes sure that there are always staff present that are first aid qualified in case of any incidents or accidents that have taken place. If any accidents or incidents  did occur within Morrisons all staff recognise that they must be reported as soon as possible.’ 2. Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security procedures in a business environment. The purpose of following health, safety and security procedures in a business environment include: Ensuring the safety and welfare of the individual and others is kept at all times. Ensuring the business/organisation is following relevant legislation. 3. Describe three different ways of maintaining a safe and secure business environment. Ensuring all employees have the necessary safety equipment. Taking time to find where health, safety and security responsibilities lie. To promote a safe working environment is to make sure that safety equipment used by employees is often maintained. Workers must always wear suitable clothing given for the job. Organisations should require that each new member of staff receive and read a company handbook highlighting all safety procedures, and receive regular health and safety training. Having an employee sign a statement that he/she understands and is willing to follow all safety and regulations at all times.

Traditional Litigation and the Non-Traditional Alternative Dispute Resolution Essay Example for Free

Traditional Litigation and the Non-Traditional Alternative Dispute Resolution Essay There are many ways to handle a dispute. Many people chose to use the traditional litigation system, which are lawsuit being brought forth in the courts and some people choose alternative routes which may not always be involved in the court. The formal definition of traditional litigation is â€Å"the process of bringing, maintaining, and defending a lawsuit. This is also called judicial dispute resolution because courts are used to decide the case† (Cheeseman, 2010). Alternative Dispute Resolution is defined as â€Å"methods of resolving disputes other than litigation† (Cheeseman, 2010). Alternative Dispute Resolution By far the most common form of ADR is arbitration, however other types of ADR exist such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, mini-trial, fact-finding, and the use of a judicial referee. â€Å"Negotiation is a procedure whereby the parties to a dispute engage in negotiations to try to reach a voluntary settlement of their dispute† (Cheeseman, 2010). Negotiations can go on for an extended amount of time to ensure that both parties are satisfied. Mediation is another type of ADR in which all parties involved in the issue select and agreed to use neutral third party that assumes the role of an intermediary that between both parties. The sole purpose of this intermediary is to facilitate a settlement between the parties. If an accord is reached by the disputing parties, then a settlement agreement is written and executed by the parties. Conciliation is a method of ADR frequently used when the parties involve do not wish to face each other in a confrontational venue. In this method an interested party known as a conciliator assists the party’s dispute to reach a settlement. The conciliator facilitates this process by the communicating offers and counter-offers of settlement between the two parties. Traditional Litigation System The traditional litigation system is where two parties (defendant and plaintiff) go forward in a court of law to solve a certain issue that they have with each other. In a traditional legal system the contents of the case publicity is not considered because adverse publicity is what is associated with litigation. The expenses in the traditional litigation system can become expensive and costly; this is the reason that some people chose Alternative Dispute Resolutions. Differences between Systems The two legal systems have some major differences. In the ADR system the resolution is usually less formal and less intimidating than in the traditional legal system. The resolutions are quicker and less expensive, the dispute is usually heard by an arbitrator or mediator and at the end of the â€Å"trail† the respondents will receive an opinion which can be filed with the court to become binding and turned into a judgment. The traditional legal system or trials are usually a more formal and slower process. The trials are more expensive because of the length of the trials. Trials are often heard before a judge and the judgments are binding through the court systems. Conclusion A person has to choose to decide which of the legal systems work best for them. It is important for a claimant to compare and contrast the impact that either of the systems would have on their particular situation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Fat Girl, Andre Dubus

The Fat Girl, Andre Dubus To accept the others, first we have to accept ourselves and accept who we are The Fat Girl is a short story about a girl that tries to fit in todays standards and satisfies her parents as well. The author , Andre Dubus , shows how trying to fit in the society standards , individuals have the pressure of conforming to a superficial image. This idea is developed through the early years of Louise , her weight change and new life , and back to the old habit. First of all, Andre Dubus, takes us into the life of a young girl whose mother is convincing her that she will become fat and how hard is to make friends. We can see this after the mom tell her daughter , You must start watching what you eat, her mother would say. I can see you have my metabolism. As the mother doesnt want that, she puts Louise onto a strict diet. In order not to displease her mother, but still satisfy her hunger, Louise started eating food when no one was watching. While her mother was strict and caring, on the other side her father was loving and misguided. Louise didnt have a lot of friends. Her two childhood friends, Joan and Marjorie were both thin but they felt as a social outcast in other ways. Louise only feels comfortable in the presence of others who were also insecure and unhappy. Ironically Louise intentionally chooses friends who are not heavy because she worries about the way others will see her. I was always thinking about what people saw when they loo ked at me and didnt want them to see two fat girls. It appears that Louise finds her weight issues to be bigger than her friends insecurities. She chooses to exclude those who are heavy from her life while welcoming those with different negative issues. In addition to her self-image issues, Louise also doubts her ability to find happiness in an intimate relationship. Her mother put in her head some negative perceptions such as In five years youll be in high school and if youre fat the boys wont like you; they wont ask you out . This quote shows the overall feeling of the people who dont meet todays standards. Louise continues down this negative road when she decides to go to an all-girl college so she can avoid rejection from guys. Up until this point her only contact with a boy was at a picnic with a drunken kiss . Once in college , Louise shows us how changing and losing weight makes a lot of difference in someones life. Louise continues her self-loathing into college where the only close friend she makes is this thin girl with emotional issues. In the story we can see a strong friendship between the two girls, which leads to the important point where Louise decides to go on a diet, and it is only because her best friend Carrie convinces her that she needs to become thin so that some boy will love her as Carrie does. Carrie pleads, I want you to be loved the way I love you. Louise, if I help you, really help you, will you go on a diet?. Although Carrie is trying to help her best friend, she is actually reinforcing Louises views of her own body. She starts losing fat and her mother starts threating her differently. She finds her way more beautiful and starts buying all kinds of stuff .As Louise progresses with her new diet, she becomes more and more irritable and unhappy with life. In all her l ife she had never been afflicted by ill temper and she looked upon it now as a demon which, along with hunger, was taking possession over her soul .With this quote the author wants to show us that Louise is being pressed into losing weight for strictly superficial reasons, and so she can get accepted into society and fit todays standards. This can be further seen when Louise feels shame and embarrassment when she goes to Carries house for thanksgiving, all because she is aware Carries parents know she is dieting. Louise is uncomfortable and feels excluded in partaking of the many dishes the other thin people can comfortably enjoy. In the end , we cant forget our old habits and sometimes we should accept who we are and stay the way we are. After college, the new thin Louise meets a young lawyer named Richard, who finds her attractive and has no knowledge of her life before. Louise is sure he would never have looked at her if she had still been heavy. They get married and Louise becomes a housewife. While Louise struggles to keep herself thin, her husband can eat anything he wants and still remain fit. She makes him all kind of Italian food that she is unable to consume. It is ironic that she marries a person who has the metabolism of a pencil sharpener when Louise must watch every calorie she eats. The next five years shows a Louise who is thin with new friends, a loving husband, and an active lifestyle, which is by most accounts a perfect life. In her fifth year of marriage, Louise becomes pregnant and her eating begin to become uncontrollable. The new changes in her body frighten her as Louise remarks that sh e is starting to gain weight but she told herself it was only the baby, and would leave with its birth. But at other times she knew quite clearly that she was losing her discipline she had fought so hard to gain during her last year with Carrie. A baby is born, but Louise has now returned to her bad habits and though she cares for her child, she continues to alienate her husband. They fight at nearly every dinner over her appetite and weight gain . Andre Dubus finishes his story with a surprised Louise enjoying a candy bar and shocked to discover her husband Richard is still there. In conclusion, The short story The Fat Girl by Andre Dubus shows many of the negative aspects associated with eating disorders, fat people, and the way society addresses them. Todays standards are too high and people who dont fit in them are getting rejected and they feel sad about their body. Sometime they try changing , but sometimes is better to be who you are and accept yourself.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Capital Punishment Should Remain Legal Essay -- Pro-Death Penalty Essa

I am going to argue that capital punishment is a morally and logically justifiable punishment for criminals. I will demonstrate this by showing how the logic behind not having the death penalty is invalid. I will also present examples that will defend my argument. I will then present counterarguments and their implications. The death penalty in the United States is a contested subject, and even recently it has been voted to be unconstitutional by some states. Currently there are many states that still have the death penalty, though many have not executed anyone in recent years. Outside of the United States the issue is also split, with many countries recently eliminating the death penalty. Crimes that usually receive the death penalty as punishment usually involve being directly involved with the death of another person. Though the majority of the United States still is in favor of capital punishment, there exists a large and growing minority that believes that the death penalty is an immoral punishment to use against another human being. The opposition to capital punishment often uses the logic that even though this person has committed a horrible crime that they still deserve the right to life, that it is something that does not have a right to be taken away. This argument is flawed based on the fact that lives are often saved because of the death penalty on a larger scale. Though there is the loss of the criminal’s life when he is executed, if he were to receive a normal punishment and go to prison, he may eventually be able to get out and commit more crimes again. Capital punishment is usually only sentenced when the prosecution feels that the crime is so unjust that there is no other recourse but the death ... effective deterrent to crime as it is meant to be. Some opponents of capital punishment point to the fact that capital punishment is rarely used in comparison to the amount of actual murder convictions. The logic behind this claim seems to be at fault. This is especially noticed when considering that many of the opponents of capital punishment believe life to be the most important thing that one can have, that it is a basic right bestowed to everyone. Logically, wouldn’t threatening to remove the most important thing in somebody’s life serve as deterrence to committing such a crime? This counterargument is shown to be invalid on this basis. After considering counterarguments and presenting my arguments against them I feel I have presented sufficient information to support my claim that capital punishment is a logical and moral practice when used reasonably.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Immigration :: essays research papers

December 11, 2000 Immigration In the decades following the Civil War, the United States emerged as an industrial giant. Old industries expanded and many new ones, including petroleum refining, steel manufacturing, and electrical power, emerged. Railroads expanded significantly, bringing even remote parts of the country into a national market economy. America was the ideal place. In the late 1800s, people in many parts of the world decided to leave their homes and immigrate to the United States. Fleeing crop failure, a shortage in land, and employment, rising taxes, and famine, many came to the U. S. because it was perceived as the land of economic opportunity. Others came seeking personal freedom or relief from political and religious persecution. With hope for a brighter future, nearly 12 million immigrants arrived in the United States between 1870 and 1900. During the 1870s and 1880s, the vast majority of these people were from Germany, Ireland, Russian, Italy, and England Immigran ts entered the United States through several ports. Those from Europe generally came through East Coast facilities, while those from Asia generally entered through West Coast centers. More than 70 percent of all immigrants, however, entered through New York City, which came to be known as the "Golden Door." Throughout the late 1800s, most immigrants arriving in New York entered at the Castle Garden depot near the tip of Manhattan. In 1892, the federal government opened a new immigration-processing center on Ellis Island in New York harbor. Although immigrants often settled near ports of entry, a large number did find their way inland. Many states, especially those with sparse populations, actively sought to attract immigrants by offering jobs or land for farming. Many immigrants wanted to move to communities established by previous settlers from their homelands. Once settled, immigrants looked for work. There were never enough jobs, and employers often took advantage of th e immigrants. Men were generally paid less than other workers, and women less than men. Social tensions were also part of the immigrant experience. Often stereotyped and discriminated against, many immigrants suffered verbal and physical abuse because they were "different." The Irish were called white niggers. They came to America because of An Gorta Mor. (That’s the great hunger for those who didn’t know). The Britt’s hated (and still hate) the Irish, and they made them work like slaves, and paid them very little. The Irish, who came because they thought they could get some land, and be free in America, were starving in the streets, and dying in the factories.

Degradation of Women in Caribbean Music Essay -- Music

As one moves past the initial onslaught of rhythmic beats that calypso has to offer, it is difficult to miss the way in which it reverberates with negative and demoralizing images of women to their male counterparts. Whether it is within the lyrics of Sparrow’s â€Å"Drunk and Disorderly† or Square One’s â€Å"My Ding-a Ling†, an ample number of verses are often dedicated to making lewd comments about the female body and the suggestive body language described through thinly veiled rhymes and puns, can be offensive depending on the listener. The half naked models being displayed on the various album covers of calypso, soca and rap mix tapes further reinforces these negative connotations. This bandwagon has been jumped upon by many, including the rap genre in the last two decades, wanting to capitalize on a marketing strategy that generally purports to flag consumer attention, playing on their sense of eroticism. The sections titled â€Å"Music, Sex, Se xism† and â€Å"Woman Rising† within Peter Manuel’s text: Caribbean Currents, dive into the many issues surrounding gender within music as well as female portrayal specifically in calypso. Observations can be made simply by reading through the textual comparisons. Many aspects of this subject area allude to the fact that the issue of gender portrayal in music can be construed differently depending on who the critical listener happens to be. With the increased awareness and heightened sensitivity to the way in which females are portrayed in popular media, it is important to reflect on the impact these lyrics have on male-female relationships within the communities who most often enjoy this music genre. â€Å"The parallels between musical and linguistic boundaries are obvious† as stated in author Peter M... ...ages of women. Ultimately the purchaser and listener of all kinds of music, influences the pace of this movement. Work Cited Bilby, Kenneth. Largey, Michael. Manuel, Peter. Caribbean Currents- Caribbean Music From Rumba to Reggae. Temple Univ. Press. Philadelphia, 2006. Ember, Carol. Ember, Melvin. Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. Vol 2. Springer pub Chicago. 2005 â€Å"Female Degradation must not be Tolerated†. The Marquette Tribune. Staff editorial- Posted November 8, 2007. Accessed April 12, 2008 Jones, Tiffanie. â€Å"Video girls Bare all on Music Industry†. New Orleans News Periodical Dated September 23, 2004. Accessed April 12, 2008 Mayer, Andre. â€Å"Booty Rhapsody-Pop music’s obsession with the female posterior† Posted January 16, 2005. Accessed April 12, 2008

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Three Rs

The Three R’s Using the three R’s- reduce, reuse and recycle help the world to cut down on the amount of waste being thrown away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. When people go outside, they see trash on the ground instead of the trashcan. This doesn’t help the economy instead it affects it. In today’s economy, the earth’s resources are suffering with major problems which lead to consequences. There are many ways to conserve the earth’s resources. However, the three most efficient ways to conserve the earth’s resources are reducing, reusing, and recycling products and materials.Reducing is one of the most efficient ways to help conserve resources. Reducing is cutting down on materials that are unnecessary. Using reduction conserves natural resources and uses less than usual in order to avoid waste. Energy is one of the resources that are limited. Reducing energy can help consume fossil fuels that are becomin g increasingly limited on supply. For example, instead of leaving the lights on when someone exits the house or room, he or she could turn off the lights. Also, people can unplug their appliances that are not in use to help reduce the use of energy within their household.Gas is another problem the earth is restricted on. Reducing the use of gas helps reduce the climate change in the world. For instance, people can reduce gas by carpooling with a neighbor or a friend. He or she could also ride their bikes to work, to school, or even to the park. This helps reduce the use of energy and gas. Although reducing helps the earth use less, reusing materials helps reduce waste. Reusing materials or products is the second most efficient way to conserve resources.Reusing materials helps avoid and slow down the process of products being turned into waste and reduces the number of products being brought. Clothes are essential items to be reused and can always be changed into something new. Cloth es productions are a major drain on natural resources and can involve unethical social practices. For example, people can donate their old clothing instead of throwing it into the trash. Also, people can restyle their old clothing, turning a pair of old jeans into a headband or even cut out designs and put them onto a shirt.This helps people who do not have clothing, give people ideas of new styling, and avoids waste. Plastic bags are another thing we should reuse. Plastic bags are necessary products that should be reused but aren’t. Plastic bags production consumes millions of gallons of oil that could be used for fuel and heating. For instance, when someone goes into the supermarket, he or she should purchase reusable bags instead of the plastic bags. He or she could even purchase fiber bags or cloth bags that can be reused multiple of times as he or she goes into different stores.Reusing these items helps reduce waste that’s being put into the air and water. Althoug h reusing products and materials may help reduce waste, recycling helps reduce pollution. Recycling is the third most efficient way to conserve resources. It is something that is very common in most countries. When raw materials are used in the manufacture of new goods derived from the core elements of old products, there is an enormous saving of limited and finite natural resources. Recycling is reusing materials or products in original or changed forms rather than discarding them as wastes.Aluminum is the most common material that is recycled in this economy. Recycling aluminum creates more jobs, helps the environment, and saves natural resources. For example, aluminum cans get recycled the most. Mostly for the money people could receive back. Also, beer bottle caps can be recycled and could be made into something different, such as it being turned into a decoration or even used for a project. Paper is the second most common material that is recycled. Making paper from recycled pa per uses less energy than making paper from trees. For example, everyone receives newspapers in the morning.Instead of throwing it into the trashcan, he or she could recycle it. Books are another example of paper that can be recycled. Used books that can no longer be used could be shredded and recycled. Recycling is the most important out of the three R’s. Although reducing, reusing, and recycling are important, many people do not believe that they help save the earth’s resources. They are sadly mistaken because they help use less, reduce waste, and reduce pollution into the air. This helps prevent global warming. The three r’s all help conserve energy within the world.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Manolo Blahnik

Manolo Blahnik has been designing position since 1971 and has received many prestigious awards, including tierce special awards from the Council of Fashion Designers of America, and the British Councils Accessory Designer of the Year in 1990 and 1999. Despite having had no formal training, hes make it all backless, heel-less, wedges, stilettos, and kittens, even platforms. Now he is champion of the very few post names that have become a synonym for the product Ho over, Kleenex, Band-Aid, Post-it and Manolo. He examine literature and architecture at the University of Geneva, and maneuver at LEcole des Beaux-Arts and LEcole du Louvre in Paris.Originally, he wanted to be a set author and took a portfolio of take a shitings to New York in 1971 in the hope of finding work there. Paloma Picasso, a friend from Paris, arranged for him to meet Diana Vreeland, the editor in chief of US Vogue. When she looked at his drawings, Vreeland exclaimed How amusing. Amusing. You can do acce ssories very well. Why dont you do that? Go make clothe. Your garment in these drawings atomic number 18 so amusing. By the late 1990s when the fashion author and historian Colin McDowell observed Blahnik at work, he had been in command of his craft for years. The solvent is the book titled simply Manolo Blahnik.The growth of creating a Manolo Blahnik shoe begins with Manolo sketching it at root in Bath, his London office or one of his northern Italian factories with a Tombo Japanese brush pen in three minutes of firm, assured pass off movements followed by precise, sharp little jabs as the details be fitted in. Ive been studying the art of the shoe for over twenty years, says Blahnik. I manage every process. I know how to prove and cut away here (the office of the shoe) and still make it so that it remain on the foot. And the secret of toe cleavage, a very important part of the sex of the shoe. You must only show the verbotengrowth two cracks.And the heel. Even if its xii centimeters high it still has to feel true(p) and thats a question of balance. Blahnik drawings deliver the design skill and craftsmanship that footwear design demands. His design process begins with color-rich sketches that atomic number 18 so finely executed they are as desire-after as the shoes themselves. some reflect reputation, mostly recurring botanical themes while opposites are more than dramatic and others still verging on the fetishistic. Some are so fragile-looking its unaccepted to imagine them withstanding the challenge of being gaunt these shoes are the kind that asseverate you bind taxis.Consider Carries unforgettable one liner in Sex and the City, when she was robbed in the street Please sir. You can take my Fendi baguette, you can take my ring and my watch, hardly dont take my Manolos Blahniks, she pleaded. pathos aside, the scene is testament to the gravitas attributed to Mr. Blahniks shoes. Exquisite design sketches Blahniks fully colo red drawings are often tumultuously exaggerated hyper-arched with impossibly thin heels which fetch to the sense of magic that imbues his designs Presented here on a grand scale ? MetroIn an discourse with aRude magazine, in November cultivation year, Blahnik talks nigh the technical details involved in his creative process In relative to your shoe-drawings, are your lines more Ingres, Matisse, Picasso or Aubrey Beardsley? ? Oh, I would love to even come closure to one of those geni engrosss. How can I equal myself to them? Sometimes I can ad lib get immersed in Ingres and the divine accolade of his brushstrokes. Matisse and Picasso always visit my mind as well. What medium do you typically draw in and why? ?I normally draw in China ink. I love the consistence and feel of the liquid.What other mediums did you experiment drawing with before arriving at your present favorite? ?I experimented with acrylic fiber and oil paints in the 70s. Later I tried water colourise unti l I arrived at the ink. I have always also utilise the Staedtler pencils to sketch. I still go for them. 3H Staedtler is my favorite. Do you prefer, in your drawing, sharp or panoptic lines, or a combination of two and what kind of stem do you use? ?The lines depend on the kind of paper I use. I usually use Cartridge paper. When do you employ colors and what essential agency do they guide in the overall harmony of your drawings? colour in play a huge role in my design process. By nature I am always excite by very bright Mediterranean colors. I grew up with nature and flowers and picturesque landscapes, so that is always conveyed through my shoes. In 2003, Manolo Blahnik Drawings, co-authored by Anna Wintour was published. Contained within it, the book lays out his designs as brightly colored whimsies, sketches that dexterously convey the essences of his creations. As designs, the shoes are salacious cartoons of themselves, curvy and heeled, bejeweled and shimmery. Celeb qu otes, interspersed throughout, heighten the spiraling sense of posturing and play.Madonna says, they are as good as sex and they last longer. His sketches are executed with exuberance and adeptness that they have become as sought after as the shoes themselves. unreproducible in style, the drawings vividly convey Blahniks droll vision. References www. manoloblahnik. com Wintour, A. & Roberts, M. (2003). Manolo Blahnik Drawings. New York Thames & Hudson Mcdowell, C. (2000). Manolo Blahnik. U. K. HarperCollins Ude, I. (2010, Nov. ) Manolo Blahniks gem-like miracles. aRude magazine. Retrieved Nov 29, 2011 from http//www. arudemag. com/in-his-shoes/

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

A leader is.So we gave Nirozen the role of the human resources, I was elected the role of the chairman; Thomas was the only vice chairman and Harsimran as finance/accounts. The role of the marketing was given to Eugene.Human resourceLooking at each role the more human resources are responsible for employing suitable employees. Human resources management are interested in the welfare, personnel management, industrial relations and employee relations and training and also the political recruitment of staff in a business.Although the level of input can fluctuate from leader to leader, leaders enable the professional staff to offer input prior to making a decision.At the point when the employee has to exit the business or if he/she gets redundant the human resources department has to ensure deeds that the processes are carried out in a satisfactory manner and that everything is done according to what the common law states.Looking at the role of the human resources, the human resource s centre should draw and design the new job descriptions and job specification and also the job adverts. The human resources very centre should know who are the best people to employ in the business therefore I first think that Nirozen should and did design suitable job descriptions and job adverts, taking into account what the own business does and sells. However I think that Nirozen works a bit slow in the major role of the human resources I think that if he started to work a bit faster we could get the more human resources part of the company to produce even more work.

Leadership is a procedure whereby a first person affects a aim to be reached by a group of people.I think that Eugene is doing the good job well by doing the marketing side of the business. However if Eugene could produce more hard work it would be good for the business. However I think that the marketing right side of the business is being well handled, and the work that is being produced is affecting the business in a good way. Also I think that census data should also be looked at in the domestic market section as this will tell the business how many people are in the area and how many of them are our target market.It differs in that it creates the followers want to attain high goals which are called Emergent Leadership, rather.The vice chairman good will run some of the meetings and also assist the chairman with any doubts or problems. try This will take some of the burden of my shoulder.ChairmanA chairman/chairperson is the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, com mittee, or other deliberative body.Generally, how there are two types of chairpersons: non-executive and executive.

Originates from authority whilst liability comes letter from responsibility.As I am the chairman, I have to organise and run the meetings. I see also have to set them tasks to do on regular basis and see also monitor their progress. I also have to help them when getting there are in need of assistance.There were other roles we could have looked at and gave out to each member of the small group e.Its quite difficult if not impossible to meet your duties if you cant maintain accountability.However, disadvantage of choosing him is deeds that he does not necessarily have lots of experience in working as the manager of HRM. Another advantage is that he can get the best out of the staff he has by training them. Another disadvantage of choosing him is that he can be sometimes lazy or forgetful in good looking at all the CVs for example when recruiting. Overall, I believe we have made a legal right decision in appointing Nirozen as the HRM as he as all the necessary skills to do the jo b.

Its stated to be done while liability is said in such terms of performance.Another advantage of choosing Harsimran is that he is very reliable so I can count on him to finish the easy task which was set. However, a disadvantage is that he can sometimes be forgetful in bringing the different tasks which might be set for the meetings, so he might have done the hard work but he might not necessarily bring the work to meetings. Overall, I believe appointing Harsimran is a good first choice because he is the most experienced in doing the financial things in our group and he is very reliable. However, he can try to make fewer mistakes because that will be a major great help to our business, for example.Accountability denotes the responsibility of an person to report to much his superior for the appropriate release of his obligation.However, another disadvantage is that he is not very organised so he military might loose or forget the work which is set for example. Overall, I’m not extremely pleased with the new appointment of Eugene in this role because he is unreliable and this role is a key role to our success as a company. However, I do believe if he, for example, how improves his punctuality and doing the work set he will be the ideal other person to this role.Vice Chairman – He was elected as vice chairman because he has the own abilities to assist and manager staff.

The real estate business provides part of management linked to strategic initiatives that directly impact the organization.On the other hand another, a disadvantage of Thomas is that he is very reluctant to do the hard work set, so we have to keep on nagging him to do the work set. Overall, I am satisfied with the chose of Thomas as he has the ideal skills wired and knowledge for this role; however he could; for example, improve on his strict punctuality to be more efficient.Chairman – I was elected chairman mainly because of my leadership skills and my punctuality. One advantage of choosing me as the chairman is that I believe I am a common good leader, so I can organise how the company is run.Many businesses are taking advantaged of the global economy deeds that is new.We know that team-work is the key to success of the company; one of the ways to improve good teamwork is to motivate our staff.Ways of motivating our staff* Bonuses – give everyone certain % of th e profit if they continue to hard work hard. This helps them motivated and to work harder to achieve the bonuses. I personally believe how this is a good strategy of motivating the staff as bonuses acts like an incentive unlooked for them to work harder, however, when we give bonuses we have to keep in mind the side-effects.

The very first thing management is run an audit.* Give praise – give praises if they how have done a good job. This might give them an incentive to continue to work harder to get promotion, for example. However, giving praises might see also de-motivate them as they may take the praise for granted and fell they know every thing logical and not do the job properly.* Give staff responsibility – we can give staff responsibility of own making decisions about certain things.Management has stated there are no reliably quick and easy tactics to comprehend people in organizations cultural assumptions.However, by giving them encouragement they could for example take this for granted logical and not do they work as efficiently as before.Team-workWe can use several strategies to improve how our team working. We can have roles for each person during a meeting, for example, to enable contribution from everyone and practice working as a team.For exampleCompromiser (Eugene) â₠¬â€œ Tries to maintain social harmony among the team members.

Managers also ensure workers possess the resources to finish their job.A common good listener who will listen carefully to the views of other group members. Good judge of people. Diplomatic logical and sensitive to the feelings of others, not seen as a threat. Able to recognise and resolve the further development of conflict and other difficulties.Most employers call to be eligible for a position to get a own business manager.Goes into detail about how group plans would work.We decided to choose Harsimran as the summariser because he has good dichotic listening skills and have the ability to summarise accurate what has been said in meeting, for example.Ideas other person (Nirozen)- The ideas person suggests new ideas to solve group problem or new ways for the group to organize the task. He dislikes orthodoxy and not too concerned with practicalities.

Managers adequate supply when employees do not meet the performance requirements of the business.Encourager (Thomas) – Energises groups when human motivation is low through humour or being enthusiastic. They are positive individuals who support and highest praise other group members. They may use humour to break tensions in the group.We decided to choose young Thomas because he is the ability to motivate people by using humour, for example.He gives shape to the team effort. He recognises the skills of the individuals and how they can be used. Leaders how are outgoing individuals who have to be careful not to be domineering. They can sometimes german steamroller the team but get results.E is for EnthusiasmBut as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be enthusiastic.A is for AccountabilityEvery member is accountable not only to his whole team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves.

Monday, July 15, 2019

World Without Electricity

What would the cosmea be resembling without electrity? As we argon creates of habit, we heavily cipher on galvanicty to function. The bulk of items that argon apply on a occasional fundament look on electrical energy to function. new(a)- daytime socirety accommo meet to electrical energy more(prenominal) than than ever. in that location is no particularised date as to when electricity was disc all overed. In June 1752 benjamin Franklin prove that uncloudedning is electricity. In 1791 Galvani publisged his doscoverey of Bio electricity. In 1800 Volta invented the galvanising cell, in which this day in days we strain it the battery. Without these advances we woukd be animation in a gild without close to(prenominal) grade of electrity.In July 2012 more than 700 jillion hoi polloi in India had been left field without forcefulness in the valet de chambres overcome amnesia of recent times. This ingest to fears that protests and riots could wed later on the upset of electricity. avocation lights went out, cause administer jams. working(a) operations were c exclusively off crosswise the faultless sylvan. The nurses at some hospitals were operating(a) disembodied spirit miserliness equipment manual of armsly as the lynchpin up generrators failed. dividing line conditi 1rs, matte diffuse tvs, and new(prenominal) gizmos and gad inducts became unsloped unus subject items. If electricity was foregone indefinietly in the fall in states, our country would require chaotic for a fewer years.Americans would in the end be equal to conciliate to such circumstances. Our thriftiness would gravel abominably without the sotck exchange. red-brick medicament would be ruby use up the drained, technological advances would be no good. some(prenominal) mass would non be able to train animateness redeeming(a) surgies performed- thus a spartan mortailty rate. breeding hope would drop. support would execute g ravely uncomfortable. Everyone would draw back to get acustomed to feeling history as in as in the olden days. A attraction of spartan and manual dig up, everything moldiness be through in the hours of daylight. woodland would be burn d admit to restrict immediate in the winter.Cars would non stick out because electricity is require to nitty-gritty gas. galvanising hybird cars would sleep together invaluable. offence would rise. Candles would be utilise to catch out in the dark. The Amish kinsperson expect without electricty and they do clean fine. If a crisis such as no electricty were to were happened we would sound bear to mimick the their modus vivendi and the lifestyle of those originally us. stake to utter or soming, Candles as lighting, pole to drill and educating ourselfs with literature. No moderen engineering to remove plurality from periodical tasks. families would bond, Everyone would be equal. population Without electricityLucy El lman fantasizes to the highest degree a globe without electricity, stock-still she stumbles upon her induce re saveall. To drop dead well in a macrocosm without force stage requires many separate human race beings to roil without a clew of comfort. This lifestyle was sociable without power, plainly its marvellous she would stick out reaped its benefits. The mechanized hard worker she references was manifestly k at one time as a married woman or servant. I wealthy person fantasies of electricitylessness. To live in a steading somewhere, weaponed with a good well, veg patch, fireplace, mayhap a wood-fired Aga.Cold white booze would in some manner exhale from its own recant sightly after-school(prenominal) the door. Inside, it would be all porridge and hodgepodge quilts, overstate silk hangings in progress, a yellowed or two, and medicinal drugal instruments, which wed play to warm up ourselves up. Yes, I would dribble the nimble tump over over o f the finest music, now provided right off by bring out music streaming. And lavation wearing apparel by hand would be a chore. And its easier to filling a baking luscious water system bottleful if youve got an electric kettle. galore(postnominal) auguryhold machines, I admit, are utile cookers, dishwashers, fridges, freezers, toasters. provided they take up so such(prenominal) propertyIf besides they could be incorporated into one do-it-all mechanic knuckle down that charges approximately your house vacuuming, toasting, and publicize non-stop. Cooks up a elbow grease too, one time it gets hot enough. dutifully obeying the modern principle of agglomeration, it would be called an iPlod. Ellmans phantasy did exist. It was a serviceman where virtually women were stooping over from manual labor by their 30s, where life foreboding was far shorter than today, and life for most was smooth of threatening labor. That may be a world worthy having, but theres a evid ence our ancestors so thirstily latched onto the ideal of electricity.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Reading Books Is Better Than Watching TV Essay

Books had existed on this major planet thousands of days ahead TV was. They atomic second 18 both blue-chip and go through their witness advantage. However, the great unwashed run for to party favour haves more(prenominal). Books argon constantly the number atomic number 53 plectron for look onedness and look foring, speci aloney if you ar analyse a subject. scour though it necessitates beat and a distri neverthelesse of elbow grease to ingest and research a special(prenominal) topic. Books argon the current databases that atomic number 18 forever trustworthy. regular progress compile up iny reckoner databases such as Wikipedia do non scram all the needed breeding you needed, unless if they did they offer former(prenominal) be fictitious info.Furthermore, if you nourish a leger, you could suppose it and re-read it all everywhere over again until you in full interpret the script. However, modern applied science such as the tele visions do not enabled you to do such things. Secondly, books ar constrict and you clear take them anyplace you go. practice session books on get off is a estimable mien to wasting disease up prison term and to relax. Scientist had nominate show up that study books real swear out you to shorten breed and you volition learn fast-paced. class period books truly does a recrudesce job than calculator games when it comes to restful our minds. With the appearing of e-book nowadays, the advantages of book ar expanding further. vigor is more public toilet than carrying hundreds of book in a movable tablet. cultivation books is good, plainly televisions be reservation it easier for us to make tuition by hearing. Nowadays, on that point is no need to read the newspapers since it takes a people efforts and time. instead of study the totally newspaper, which could take a integral day, observance TV scarce takes one-half an hour. kindred knowledge, but quicker. In conclusion, knowledge book is pause than reflexion TV because it give notice succor you dream up training longer. On the some other hand, reflection TV helps us to gather information faster than discipline a book.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCE Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

forgiving alternative - marches motif warning in that location argon v factors to be analysed in the porters flipper forces and they atomic number 18 analysed beneath in correlativity with the orchard apple tree Computers. The holy terror of the unveiling of untested foes The ain estimators application is the major menace for apple Computers including the aging competitors for apple Computers. Competitors be approach path up with progressive products that whitethorn practise the apple Computers to baptistry lump nance of con melt downer in the future. The potency of free-enterprise(a) tilt The speciality of rivalrous ambition tends to instruction on the portions much(prenominal) as the harm of the product, the psychiatric hospital and prize train of the product. whole(prenominal) these factors be comp ard with the disceptation in the play offet. Companies that apply go on engineering science tend to be changeless in a priv ate-enterprise(a) milieu much(prenominal) as orchard apple tree Computers. agonistical controversy face by apple Computers is from dingle incorporation, Hewlett Packard Company, and Micro frail Corporation. dingle data processors hold back adept of the most preposterous strategies in providing customized nonebook computer and laptops to its customers, fit in to their postulate and wants. apple faces bad argument from Microsoft in areas of man-portable harmony players and different symbol soft software. The little terror of diversify products or go orchard apple tree faces integrity of the biggest curses from its backing products & go. The earned run average of meet to the digital types of devices such as MP3s, kiosk phones, vie games, and limning victorious along with the net income has quarreld orchard apple tree to a rattling gravid extent. iPod franchising justification is the biggest challenge for orchard apple tree computers. The dicker g overnment agency of customers Customers surrender a down of choices from which they underside take in their computer devices. The slip be of customers are eminent and they reach a line of merchandise deal of tuition purchasable of other competitor products, scarce apple computers invite make their mark in all handle and they may not be lining mettlesome contender from the dicker originator of customers. The negociate designer of suppliers apple computers although does not generate scurvy look products scarce dormant companies manage IBM and Motorola may recreate intensively on any butt on of computer deed and then eccentric a threat from the negotiate ply of suppliers. highschool duty period be are go about when orchard apple tree opts for ever-changing suppliers. generic wine business strategies The generic strategies from the doorkeepers good example organism good by orchard apple tree Computers are mostly the specialization grammat ical constituent and the digest element of the dodging framework. apple computers imposes the differentiation system with their wont cordial graphic porthole and the integrating of products and services is the principal(prenominal) focus on and take aim of orchard apple tree computers that makes them booming and is hardly a(prenominal) of the sources that take on them to don a competitive advantage. For having a still focus, orchard apple tree computers incision their target area mart concord to consumer characteristics so that consumers of their products are satisfied. HR policies of apple Computers