Monday, September 30, 2019
Employment at Will Essay
There are several concerns and issues that had been analyzed by the new COO of the organization. Many aspects need to be carefully considered before making sound decisions of any corrective action or termination in effort to avoid legal actions. According to Connell and Castro, issues need to be carefully investigated by exploring relevant witness such as co-workers (Castro & Connell, 2009, p.31). This will ensure that situations with misunderstandings are not the issue. However, the conclusion made by the COO should be practical and within reason, not made on impulse or suddenly, and in line with the Employment-at-will doctrine. Although, employees can be dismissed at any time for whatever reason if there aren’t any statutes that would prohibit the act, careful review of the concerns listed below is needed for the betterment of the company and its strategic plans. John posted a rant on his Facebook page in which he criticized the company’s most important customer. Jim sent an email to other salespeople protesting a change in commission schedules and bonuses and suggesting everyone boycott the next sales meeting. Ellen started a blog to protest the CEO’s bonus, noting that no one below director has gotten a raise in two (2) years and portraying her bosses as â€Å"know-nothings†and â€Å"out-of-touch†Bill has been using his company-issued BlackBerry to run his own business on the side. The secretaries in the accounting department decided to dress in black-and-white stripes to protest a memo announcing that the company has installed keylogger software on all company computers. After being disciplined for criticizing a customer in an email (sent from his personal email account on a company computer), Joe threatens to sue the company for invasion of privacy. One of the department supervisors requests your approval to fire his secretary for insubordination. Since the secretary has always received glowing reviews, you call her into your office and determine that she has refused to prepare false expense reports for her boss. Anna’s boss refused to sign her leave request for jury duty and now wants to fire her for being absent without permission. Summarization of Employment-At- Will Doctrine In any kind of employment relationship, employment is a moment to moment employment contract between the employer and the employee. Therefore, the employment- at – will doctrine allows the employer to do whatsoever it feels to the respect of the employee. Putting it differently, the doctrine permits an employer to terminate a worker for any reason good, bad, or without reason as long as the termination is within the legal parameters (Urhuogo, 2010, p.29). In other words, if nothing else applies to the situation at hand such as a specific law of court case that would support the termination (Anti- Discrimination Law), then the employment – at – will doctrine will succeed. However, exceptions at the federal, state, and city level such as specific statutes or laws and common laws (contract and public policy) allowed for modifications to be implemented to the employment-at-will-doctrine in effort to prevent an employer in terminating a worker under the more precise exemption. At the federal level Title VII (Civil Rights Act), which includes race, sex, national origin, and religion are protected. In addition, workers are protected under the Age Discrimination and Employment Act, Americans with Disability Act, and National Labor Relations Act, which protects workers that participate in a union. Most state laws are paralleled to those laws implemented at the federal level. However, some states have expanded their laws to further modify the employment-at-will doctrine for example; some states have included sexual preference as being protected, which is not covered under the federal law. Common law exception, which is applied to all levels is based on precedence and therefore, does not need o apply. An example would include a judge handing down a verdict in his or her jurisdiction creating an exception to the employment-at-will-doctrine. The decision made by the judge would therefore become a binding on employers, which is independent or separate of the laws or statutes that was created by the legislative body. In conclusion of the employment-at-will doctrine, if the workers termination does not fall within the statutory or common law exception, the employment-at-will doctrine will default. Recommendation and Implementation Firstly, many of the concerns and issues referenced above could have possible been eliminated if a whistleblowing policy had been implemented. Realizing and executing this policy within the workplace, allows for whistleblowers to exhibit a role of importance that could eliminate unethical or illegal behaviors within the workplace before any issues become too difficult to handle. When organizations continue to have employees that display a characteristic of being unethical, they position the organization to be at risk in a negative manner legally, financially, and publically. The fact of the matter is that wrong doing occurs in many organizations, but workers at ALL levels should feel comfortable and confident that their work environment is not one of being hostile. Therefore, including a whistleblowing policy should be safe for the worker in knowing that if or when a matter is reported internally; any corrective action can be quickly executed thereby, causing workers to become more ethical. In addition, ongoing ethics training for workers at ALL levels in effort to enhance a moral environment or climate should be applied so that: Objectives and strategic plans are met and the best way to ensure that they are met Leaders are â€Å"walking the walk and talking the talk†(setting examples for all) Workers will feel as though their communication and responsibility is of value to their place of work. Finally, the assurance of the policy should be an image of the company and therefore, being upheld than just words on a piece of paper. The whistleblower should feel confident and safe that when an investigation is done, it will be conducted in an objective manner and investigated by one that has absolutely no influence on the outcome. This too will give a feeling that confidentiality is of value within the organization to the whistleblower. After careful review of the employee issues and concerns, the following recommendation has been made: Firstly, the real boss in my opinion is the customers and especially the high profitable ones because they are the major source of buying. And if your high profitable consumers decide to take business to your competitors then you basically have fired yourself. Although, John decided to criticize the most important customer, it is best to terminate his position due to the fact that at that moment a competitive disadvantage had been created. Jim and Ellen have some real legitimate grievances that need to be address by the company in effort to determine if other employees have the same concern and if so, developing ways to correct the issue. However, both Jim and Ellen have real concerns in reference to pay and therefore, it should be addressed. I believe that they both need to be coached and maybe even disciplined on the way of handling their concern but, I feel that they are both protected under the retaliation law and public policy. In Bills cases, grounds for termination can be expected assuming he did not get permission first. The use of the company’s cellular in effort to start his business is considered theft. Misusing the company’s resource for personal business causes the business to lose time and money. I’m afraid it is perfectly legal for an employer to monitor company computer usage while you are at work, you do not have the right without permission to do your private work on your company’s computer. Therefore, the accounting department need to be coached on the expectations of the company but also understand that they are not obligated to continue their employment with the organization if they feel disapprove of the key loggers. I believe that Joe has the right to sue the company due to the fact that it was his personal email that had been reviewed. I believe that if Joe’s criticism had been done on the business email then corrective action must stand. In order for the business to prevent personal email usages, it should be clearly outlined in the employee handbook as well as explaining the extent of computers being monitored. Employers should make sure that workers clearly understand the policy. The information provided by the secretary should be investigated thoroughly. If her claim is true, then she would be protected by the violation of public policy. The secretary cannot be terminated due to the fact that she declined to prepared false expense reports for her boss. However, the boss should and need to be investigated and terminated for his actions to eliminate a hostile work environment. Anna exercised her legal right under public policy law reporting to jury duty. However, Anna’s boss may ask for proof of jury duty and unless the employee handbook state otherwise, the employer does not have to compensate Anna. Termination in this case would be illegal. In Conclusion, understanding the employment-at-will doctrine and carefully executing the parameters of the doctrine can still leave the employer with sense of being uneasy and becoming apprehensive that an employee will attempt to sue. According to Wood and Karau, it is imprtant to respect employees during the process of which the termination is taking place because it will show the employee that their work was appreciated while they were working for the company (Wood & Karau, 2008, p. 521). This can help or assist in preventing legal actions when respect is given. According to Urhuogo, Giving employee’s reasons for termination may result in employees to be understanding of the situation (Urhuogo, 2010, p.33). However, in the end, every employers and workers must display a demeanor that is ethical and suitable for the company and themselves.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
French Education System Essay
In France, education has a clear goal: the system must always produce a group of well-educated individuals with a common culture, language and abilities that can then serve the State. The French educational system has a very large emphasis on content, culturally specific knowledge, scientific and mathematic knowledge. The system is designed to serve the needs of the state; the individuality and originality are not considered worth while values The French Republic has 60 million inhabitants, living in the 22 regions of metropolitan France and four overseas departments (1. million). Despite the fact that the population is growing slightly (up 0. 4% a year), the number and proportion of young people under 25 are, however, falling: there are now fewer than 19 million of them in metropolitan France, i. e. 32% of the total population, compared with 40% around 1970 and 35% at the time of the 1990 census. France is seeing a slow aging of the population  less marked however than in other neighbouring countries (Germany and Italy), especially as the annual number of births is currently increasing slightly. 5 million pupils and students, i. e. a quarter of the population, are in the education system. Just over 2 million are in higher education. In 1999, France’s GDP was close to FF 9,000 billion (EUR 1,330 billion), i. e. FF 150,000 (EUR 22,000) per inhabitant. Of this total, just over FF 600 billion (EUR 95 billion) were devoted to initial or continuing education: 7. 2% of GDP. As far as school education spending is concerned, France is in a middle position, behind the Nordic countries (Sweden and Denmark), but fairly significantly ahead of Italy and Japan. France has a workforce today of 26 million, of whom fewer than 2 million are unemployed: the unemployment rate recently fell to below 9%. 6% of the labor force (about 1. 5 million jobs, including 1 million civil servants and local government officers) are undergoing training. Educational Structure Around 13 million pupils attend school in France. The system is a unified one, whose present general structure (primary schools, colleges, lycees) was gradually put in place during the 1960s and 1970s, ending the formerly more compartmentalized system which was based on a clear separation between rimary and secondary education. Since the 1970s, France has also had an outstanding record with respect to the development of pre-school education; all 3- to 5-year-olds can go to nursery classes. Since 1967, school attendance has been compulsory for those from 6 to 16 years of age. France has 60,000 primary schools catering to pupils during their first five years of formal education: the first three years (CP – cours preparatoire cours elementaire 1 and 2) provide a grounding in the basic skills. The next stage – CM1/CM2 (cours moyen 1 and 2) takes the children up to the end of primary school. Secondary schooling is divided into two successive stages, known as cycles. From 11 to 15 years, almost all children now attend a college, taking them from form 6 (sixieme) to form 3 (troisieme) (1). Since 1975 there has been a single mixed-ability college for all pupils regardless of their level of achievement. After form 3, they move onto a general, technical or vocational lycee. These prepare pupils for the corresponding baccalaureatexaminations (referred to as le bac), which they normally take at the age of 18.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Workplace ethics
Workplace ethics Conduct Internet research on a selected business topic. Take notes on Internet research. For this project, you will conduct Internet research on a productive business skills topic of your choice from the following list: teamwork and collaboration; time management; conflict resolution; workplace ethics; professional dress and grooming; effective speaking and presentation skills.Each of the following parts of this project will help you use the skills you have learned in this unit to complete a well-written report on the business skill you have selected. Part 1: For this section of the project, you will select your topic and begin to conduct Internet research related to this topic. You should review a minimum of three sources for this project. Take notes on each source using the following points as a guide: Source (title and URL) Summary of the information How do you know this source is credible?Part 2: Using your notes, write a five-paragraph (minimum) essay about your selected business skills topic. You must incorporate references from the research you did (remember to cite your sources). Be sure to organize your ideas logically and equentially, including a compelling introduction and a summarizing conclusion. Part 3: You will read and review one of your classmate's reports and give constructive feedback on their report.You should identify what they have done well as well as give suggestions for improvement. Remember the components of effective feedback you learned in Chapter 2. Question #1 Essay Download g_bcsl au01 p14d. rtf Upload Answer File Max File Size : IOMB Accepted File Type : [csv, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, rtf, ppt, pptx, odf, odt, ods, odp, mdb, accdb, pub, Jpg, Jpeg] File Actions NO File workplace ethics By Jinksauce300
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Safety and Reliability Issue of Robotic System with Artificial Research Paper
The Safety and Reliability Issue of Robotic System with Artificial Intelligence - Research Paper Example Since artificial intelligence is dissimilar to human intelligence, it is incapable of taking independent decisions. Moreover, it is incapable to respond properly in unfamiliar situations. Artificial intelligence need to be advanced a lot before human can trust it for doing independent works. INTRODUCTION â€Å"Robots are physical agents that perform tasks by manipulating the physical world. They are equipped with sensors to perceive their environment and effectors to assert physical forces on it†1. The huge success of robots in doing extremely risky works with utmost precision has developed huge interests in the scientific world about using robotic systems for artificial intelligence. Even though human like behavior cannot be expected from robots, it is widely believed that robots can match human intelligence to a much closer level than once anticipated. It is a fact that robots need human supervision or intervention for safe functioning. However, current robots need less supe rvision from human elements and they are intelligent enough to make necessary changes in its functioning based on the changes in the environment. Robots are currently used for people to conduct remote controlled video conferencing, navigation, rescuing, assisting and lifting of soldiers in the war fronts etc. It is difficult to define artificial intelligence or AI in few words. Generally speaking "Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by men" 2. The history of artificial intelligence started along with the discovery of computers in by Charles Babbage. Even though the possibilities of using artificial intelligence or robots are infinite, still people have many concerns about the reliability of using robots for artificial intelligence purposes. After all, robots are machines and machines cannot think as human does. It should be noted that even well experienced individuals are struggling to take appropriate decisions in this ever changing world. Under such circumstances, the reliability of depending artificial intelligence for executing complex jobs which need logical and quick decision making is highly questionable. This paper analyses the Safety and Reliability issue of Robotic System with Artificial Intelligence. SAFETY AND RELIABILITY ISSUE OF ROBOTIC SYSTEM WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Incredible speed in execution is the major advantage of robots controlled by artificial intelligence. Moreover, robots exhaust much slower than humans and therefore it can perform huge volumes of works compared to humans and that also within no time. In manufacturing units, robots can perform complicated works with utmost precision so that manpower requirements can be reduced considerably. Robots with artificial intelligence can handle million of calculations within seconds and therefore, it can perform preprogrammed jobs with ease. Because of the above ability a computer or robot can beat a human in a chess match. The development of mobile robots was driven by the desire to automate transportation in production processes and autonomous transport systems. The former lead to driver-less transport systems used on factory floors to move objects to different points in the production process in the late seventies. New forms of mobile robots have been constructed lately like insectoid robots with many legs modeled
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Leadership Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leadership Case Study - Essay Example Contingency leadership and management demands that there should not be any particular way of doing things as there is no universal principal of doing organizational tasks in certain way therefore his role at McKinsey may not be as per contingency approach. His other two roles i.e. at AGSM and Fairfax Holdings Limited may come under contingency leadership and management. His actions at Fairfax regarding staff lock outs, cost reductions and disinvestments all demanded a contingency approach to the management which he did. At AGSM, his role in developing the competition policy, revamping the whole idea of being a business school within the Australian Perspective. Therefore his approach at the AGSM and Fairfax holding may be termed as the change agent approach. The change agent approach believe that CEOs most critical role is to create an environment of continual reinvention, even if such an emphasis on change creates short-term disturbances such as anxiety, confusion, and poorer financi al results 2. There are various situational influences which impact the contingency leadership and management style. The most effective leadership style depends on the readiness level of group members. Readiness is defined as the extent to which a group member has the ability and willingness or confidence to accomplish a specific task. Readiness has two components, ability and willingness. Ability is the knowledge, experience, and skill an individual or group brings to a particular task or activity. Willingness is the extent to which an individual or group has the confidence, commitment, and motivation to accomplish a specific task. At McKinsey & Co, the readiness was high and in the range of R4 with high readiness. At AGSM, the scope of his job was much broader as he was heading the most prestigious business of his country therefore the role in which he was put in was the most important situational influence on Hilmer. However at Fairfax holdings, we can easily assume that his
Administrative Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Administrative Law - Essay Example mining the grounds for judicial review and, through case law, determining when the doctrine of ultra vires has been used as well as the common law theory. It should then be possible to reach a conclusion as to which approach is more convincing. Judicial review is the method used for challenging an alleged misuse of power by a public body1. An application for judicial review can be brought by anyone who has been affected by the alleged misuse of power. In order for someone to seek a review they must be of the opinion that the public has acted ultra vires or in breach of the law of natural justice. This can be established by proving that the public body had done something for which it had no legal authority in statute or common law2. Problems occurred in the case of R (on the application of Heather) v Leonard Cheshire3 were the Court of Appeal held that the authority was not performing a public function when they made their decision, and therefore could not be subject to judicial review. Applicants for a judicial review must make an application to the High Courts for leave to be granted a judicial review. Applications must be made within 3 months from when the grievance occurred, and the applicant must have sufficient interest in a matter to which the legislation relates and it must be a public law issue. The courts have occasionally granted leave to appeal even if one of the conditions for review has not been satisfied4. Where the courts consider that the interest of the applicant is insufficient they can refuse to grant a remedy5. Before leave to appeal will be granted the courts have to be satisfied that the decision complained of was taken by a public body. In some instances the legislator can prevent the review of their decision through the utilisation of an ouster clause. Ouster clauses are rarely used and have only been allowed in cases were the legislation has been clearly worded6. There are 3 grounds under which judicial review can be sought. These are
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Why the federal government should continue to fund NASA Essay
Why the federal government should continue to fund NASA - Essay Example The NASA is a scheme that encourages the growth of technology hence enhancing the creation of employment. Besides, NASA purchases heavy machinery from American and foreign manufacturers. Moreover, NASA motivates innovation in the economy (Haerens, 2012). Apart from the creation of employment, NASA prompts the growth of the private sector. After working with the technologies and materials invented by the association, many companies are registering success. For instance, the Tempur-Pedic mattresses obtained their production idea from the experiments of NASA scientists who were trying to create comfortable seats for the pilots. The company is currently a success in the private industry. Despite the arguments that the economy is under strain, such programs as NASA are advances that make the lives of human beings comfortable. With the assistance of NASA, many manmade satellites exist around the earth. The devices that many people use today, like the GPS systems, satellite televisions, cell phones, weather satellites, all require the man made satellites in order to perform (Showstack, 2015). These satellites require continuous servicing and upgrades, as more advanced systems come up to cope with the increased demand for technology in the current economic and social world. Consequently, reduced expenditure will hurt the efforts of this association in creating advanced systems, and hinder the tapping of important professionals in space science. As indirect as the contribution of NASA may seem, it also provides defense for the whole planet from threats that are extraterrestrial in natures. Such threats as asteroids can be devastating to human life, as previous scientists claim it destroyed dinosaurs leading to their extinction millions of years ago (Dance, 2012). Similar experiences have been in several parts of the world including in Siberia, where the asteroid demolished an entire city. Nevertheless, the detection satellites
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Un Chien Andalou by Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel Essay
Un Chien Andalou by Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel - Essay Example The purpose of paper "Un Chien Andalou by Salvador Dali and Luis Bunuel" is to investigate how the corresponding philosophical position of postmodernism influences the aesthetic values of the work of art, the film Un Chien Andalou. Surrealism, which is a part of the philosophy of postmodernism is defined as psychic automatism in its pure state, by which one expresses verbally by means of the written word, or in another manner, the actual functioning of thought. Surrealism is dictated by the thought, in the absence of any control exercised by reason, and devoid of aesthetic or moral concern. Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality â€Å"of certain forms of previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought†. It ruins completely all other psychic mechanisms and substitutes itself for them, while solving all the main problems of life. The postmodern philosophy challenges any clear and concise process of identific ation and definition as a part of rationality. Postmodernism rejects common sense and accessibility, scientific reason, philosophical logic, clarity or precision. On the other hand, postmodernism seeks to grasp those elements that escape these processes of definition, and â€Å"celebrates what resists or disrupts them†. A plurality of definitions has now come to describe postmodernism’s multifaceted nature. Examples of postmodern art relate to fracturing, fragmenting, indeterminacy and plurality. Postmodernism is the style of our age.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Brand management the case of Verticon Ltd Essay
Brand management the case of Verticon Ltd - Essay Example On the other hand, it has been supported that â€Å"brands often can't justify the time and expense of developing new competencies until they are well behind the opportunity curve; successful licensing offers a way of accelerating new product development and deepening brand relevance†[1]. In other words, in order for branding to bring the necessary results, it has to be appropriately designed and developed taking into account that each particular company has its strengths and weaknesses that can be differentiated from the other firms that operate in the same industrial sector. For this reason, the brand management strategy which is going to be implemented in a particular company has to follow specific rules and, most important, to be adapted to the specific firm’s characteristics trying to promote the positive aspects of the organizational structure. Current paper refers specifically to the development of a brand management strategy for Verticon Ltd, a company that ope rates in the British market and especially in the fashion industry. The above firm operates quite long in the particular market, however the increase of the power of its competitors led the corporate managers to decide the establishment of a brand trying to enforce the firm’s performance and ‘secure’ its position in its market.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Turning Algae into Gasoline Essay Example for Free
Turning Algae into Gasoline Essay Studies about converting algae into biodiesel started during the 1980s. However, the idea is still not yet fully developed nowadays. With the increasing value of oil in the market some people are finding other alternatives. Many organizations are now starting to develop algae into fuel.            Algae are easy to find and those living things grow faster which means that supply of algae is not going to be a problem. Those can be found on ponds, rivers, mostly in watery places. Those creatures can even grow in man-made environments. Algae can live in salt water and even in low temperature.            Using algae as an alternative for gasoline has several advantages. One is that algae do not have to use big amounts of agricultural places in order to be produced. So, there will be enough places to plant more crops for foods. Also, cultivating algae will also help to lessen the carbon dioxide in the world since those creatures needs carbon dioxide. The emissions of carbon dioxide upon refining the algae into gasoline are lesser than fossil fuels.            However, turning algae into gasoline is not that easy. Algae should have enough amount of sunlight in order to produce good quality gasoline. And since algae grew faster, those creatures sometimes destroy the carbon dioxide they use to make foods and leads to the blockage of sunlight they need to survive. After all, it is not easy to found algae that have the right quality in order to be converted into gasoline.            Also, to produce gasoline, some chemicals, such as methanol or hexane, are used to extract oil from the algae. There are possibilities that the chemicals used will affect the water and land where the plant is located.            There are disadvantages and advantages on turning algae into gasoline. As of the moment, the study is young and needs more experiments and further studies regarding this issue. This study needs to have more development. References Crooks, E. (2007, December 12).Shell bets on algae to make biofuel. The Financial Times. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from Douglass, E. (2008, May 29). Sapphire Energy turns algae into green crude for fuel. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from,0,1053218.story Kanellos, M. (2007, May 10). The Math on turning algae into fuel. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from Montana State University (2008, January 19). Renewed Interest In Turning Algae Into Fuel Generated. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from /releases/2008/01/080115132840.htm Svoboda, E. (2007, July 1). The greenest green fuel. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Use Of Characterizations The Woman Warrior English Literature Essay
Use Of Characterizations The Woman Warrior English Literature Essay Culture ideas, symbols, norms and values play a significant role in the creation of women images and the differentiation of gender roles. In fact, women still combat traditional stereotypes of womens roles in different societies and in the home. It is argued by the Chinese communists that the Confucian hierarchies have justified class oppressions in our history and that women were the biggest victims of Confucianism. By analysing the novels characterization of The Woman Warrior, this is a powerful exploration of the female role in Chinese society facing the struggles with the old traditions cultural issues and gender relations. This analysis will reveal the struggles and issues by looking at how Kingstons use of characterizations to symbolize the truth and the women human problems, how Kingston depicts the characters on different Chinese women she met in her life in the corresponding settings of imaginary female roles in the novel, and exploring how old traditions evolved and influen ced women in this novel. In order to provide a basis for understanding the woman oppression and the role of woman identity, it is helpful to look at the meaning of the depiction on the main character of The Woman Warrior, such as No-Name Woman, Fa Mu Lan, Moon Orchid, and The silent girl to see how women are treated differently and to see how she built into the theme. The narrator, Maxine Hong Kingston collects a total of five stories based on her life experiences. The stories consist of different characters that are mainly female to set up the theme that Chinese women were facing different issues because gender is socially and culturally constructed. Yet the uses of characters are more than just introducing the characters for readers to see and understand the characters, she effectively uses the characters to symbolize the truth and the women human problems where she tries to leave words to readers. She describes the characters in her stories as poor and afflicted in both their mind and body. She successful ly uses the effective technique to make readers feel as if they are in the same room with the person using characterization as metaphors. In the novel, she first introduces no name woman who is her aunt in the way that allows readers to be drawn into image and exploitation. The narrator started retelling her moms story about her aunt no name woman. Kingstons mother tells the narrator a family secret about her drown-in-the-well aunt who had her existence erased by her own family. She writes, You must not tell anyone, my mother said, what I am about to tell you. In China your father had a sister who killed herself. She jumped into the family well. We say that your father has all brothers because it is as if she had never been born. (Kingston 1.1) In essence, Kingston knows nothing about her aunt but she only knows she is an excluded person in her family from her mothers tone. Her nameless aunt who was married but had a baby outside her marriage while her husband was away for work was punished for messing up the order of relationship. The villagers threw rocks and food to raid her house as punishment for her messing up the order of relationship. Eventually, she killed herself by drowning in the family well with her new born baby. Through effective uses of characterization, Kingston is able to transmit the truth though her mothers story. The passage above shows as a warning to Kingston. It is meant to warn Kingston to avoid being a disgraceful and disloyal woman like her aunt. It also reveals that being a woman is supposed to be careful and loyal. At the end of the chapter, Kingston also makes her own assumptions that she imagines her aunt was a victim of a horrible rape and that the baby who was killed was a baby girl. Kingsto n writes, To be a woman, to have a daughter in starvation time was a waste enough. My aunt could have been the lone romantic who gave everything up for sex. Women in the old China did not choose. Some-man had commanded her to lie with him and be his secret evil.(Kingston 1.6) Reputation plays a vital role in the past and even now. In the context shows her aunt has no right to complain and she has no choice in the affair. Her aunt clearly limits her rights. However, her only right to choose on her own is to commit suicide to drown herself with the baby into the family well. The nameless woman assumingly faces severe feminine oppression is a precise example of how the settings are portrayed that having no human rights and freedom of choice for Chinese women. From this particular chapter, Chinese womens oppression reflects the human problems of having no basic women empowerment, womens human rights, and womens freedom of choice. In the book of Advancing the human rights of women, it states concerns of the position of the women. The United Nations sets as a basic goals to reaffirm faith in fundamental human right in the dignity and worth of human person, in equal right of men and women (Andrew P.171) Kingston appears to resent the standards that Chinese women are faced with. Throughout the book, Kingston is rebelling from the standard of how people of Chinese tradition think other females should act and conform. She struggles to accept the pattern of conformity, and she refuses to understand a culture that she is a part of. Despite the fact that Chinese traditional society states that women were subordinated to men, Kingston views that in a different way that women can be brave, strong and courageous rather than treated like slaves. An imaginary example of a womans role of is Fa Mu Lan who is depicted as a heroic woman. The story about this heroic character is a perfect contracted example of a low-value woman and a powerful woman. Fa Mu Lan is who Kingston wants to be like. The strongest woman, stronger than any man is in the chapter of White Tiger. Mu Lan is a role model for Kingstons life. She is a fierce warrior, and she is also a woman. Kingston ponders that she and Fa Mu Lan are not so much different; they both have swords on their backs (Kingston 2.189). It also influences her being as a woman and also a warrior using powerful words. In the context, Kingston is often angry and frustrated regarding the role of women through her Chinese-Americans life. In Chinese society, Confucianism is regarded as a code of conduct, a set of virtues that should be obeyed and delivered as a part of Chinese traditions. Women in Confucian society are seen as below men. Women and men have an almost servant and master type of relationship. Most women are keepers of the household; far less women are educated than men. A womans most important task is to create a son for her husband (Confucianism). Nai-Hua, Ko in her essay on Familism in Confucianism investigates the world of women and men in Chinese society. She begins with Chinese charaters, and indicates The Chinese character for woman shows a female figure sitting at home. On the other hand, the Chinese character for man is a combination of field and labor (Familism P.4) After marriage, this is the simple structure for women and men in old Chinese society. Women should always be subordinate to men. The story of The Western Palace is also giving a conflicting message for this idea of representing the old China. Setting things with Moon Orchids husband, Kingstons depiction in this chapter leaves some debated concerns about feminine anger on old traditional issues. In truth, Brave Orchid is incredibly proven as typical of feminist hero once understanding how valiantly her mother has fought to retain a sense of identity and dignity in America. Moreover, Kingstons mother also cites that the role of a wife is to scold her husband into becoming a good man (Kingston 4.130). In contrast, Moon Orchid, Brave Orchids sister was described as weak and uncoordinated from Kingstons writing. In this chapter, there is a less humorous example where Brave Orchid forces Moon Orchid to confront her husband. Moon Orchid always seems scared and worried about seeing her own husband because she is afraid that the United States doesnt allow for two wives. She wa nts her sister Brave Orchid to be with her to talk with her husband. Moon Orchid is passive that she depends on other people to guide her for the reason that she is infused by the Confucian hierarchies. The scene in this chapter implies the significant impacts of these traditional influences to both characters life. Brave Orchid and Moon Orchid are two Chinese women who live in two different countries. Moon Orchid assumes that the old traditions will carry over in the new country and asserts. However, Kingstons portrayal of her mother is a more factual warrior as a Chinese American immigrant. Within The Woman Warrior, the reader must know for a more comprehensive understanding of the depiction on characterizations. Kingston has emphasized the fact that how different womens roles in Chinese traditions facing the struggles with the cultural issues. By the depiction of the characters throughout the novel, she determines her aunt and Moon Orchid are both unfortunate Chinese women who are victims of old Chinese traditions because the power of Chinese traditions philosophy carried through women. Despite the narrators problems with traditions, the unique qualities of Fa Mu lan also inspire Kingston to find her own definition of woman warrior. Kingston tries to expound her individuality and her mothers identity as a Chinese-American woman who is also facing the struggles and issues because of deliberate misinterpretation of Chinese traditions.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Strategies For Planning Domestic And International Tourism Tourism Essay
Strategies For Planning Domestic And International Tourism Tourism Essay Tourism plays a vital role in economic development between countries. Tourism is the second largest source of foreign exchange in India. The tourism industry employs a large number of people, both skilled and unskilled. It promotes national integration and international brotherhood. India has fascinated people around the world with its secular and its culture. There are historical monuments, beaches, places of religious centers, hill, etc. that attract tourists. Each region is identified with his craft fairs, dances, music and people. The ministries of tourism, promotion of international and domestic tourism in the country. Tourism Advisory Council recommends measures to promote tourist traffic to India. Indian tourism is affected by terrorism, circuits and pollution. Sincere efforts could contribute to further develop the tourism industry of India. Tourism is one of the most dynamic industries in the world. It plays a vital role in economic development between countries. India is one of the popular tourist destinations in Asia. Bounded by the Himalayan ranges in the north and surrounded on three sides by water (the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean), India offers a wide range of places to visit and things to do. The enchanting backwaters, hill stations and landscapes make India a great country. The historical monuments, forts, etc. add to the greatness of the country. They attract tourists from around the world. Tourism is the second largest source of foreign exchange in India. The tourism industry employs a large number of people, both skilled and unskilled. Hostels, travel agencies, transportation, including airlines have a lot of this industry. Tourism promotes national integration and international understanding. It generates foreign exchange. It encourages cultural activities. The tourism sector also promotes traditional crafts. Tourists get a glimpse of rich cultural heritage and diverse India. India has a composite culture. There is a harmonious blend of art, religion and philosophy. The thought of India has suffered a serious invasion; it has retained its originality even after absorbing the best of outside influences. Religions like Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism, etc. co-existed in India. India has fascinated people around the world with its secular and its culture. The various geographical locations of India have the pleasure of tourists. The monuments, museums, forts, shrines, places of religious interest, palaces, etc. offer a feast for the eyes. Each region is identified by its craft fairs, dances, music and people. Some places that attract many tourists Agr, Jaipur, Jhansi, Hyderabad, Nalanda, Mysore, Delhi, Mahabaleshwar, Aurangabad etc. Haridwar, Ujjain, Shirdi, Varanasi, Allahabad, Puri, Ajmer, Amritsar, Vaishno Devi, Badrinath, Kedarnath, Rameshwaram etc. are places of religious importance. Srinagar, Kullu, Manali, Dehradun, Nainital, Darjeeling, Ooty, etc. are famous hill resorts. The Ministry of Tourism has been formed to promote international and domestic tourism in the country. It provides the infrastructure and implements advertising campaigns. It provides information on the promotion of tourist sites in the world market. The ITO develops policies and programs to promote tourism in India. It has agents in India and abroad. The Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Administration, the National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology, etc. provide staff with training in the industry. Tourism Advisory Council recommends measures to promote tourist traffic to India. It examines tourism trends and proposes appropriate action. Some places, castles and havelis have been converted into heritage hotels. In these hotels, visitors can gain experience of the exotic lifestyle of the bygone era. The exotic palace trains on the wheel, traveling through Rajasthan attracts many foreign tourists. The Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) organizes entertainment programs such as dances and folk songs, and sales facilities. Today, many private companies like Sita Travels, Club Mahindra etc. and organize domestic tours abroad. With the growth of the urban middle class professional, tourism in India is booming and many states have taken steps to promote tourism. Goa promotes water sports such as sailing, diving and rafting. Kashmir offers the pleasure of winter sports like skiing and mountaineering. Kerala has introduced the concept of craft in its lagoons. Himachal Pradesh has developed winter sports in the state. In 2005, The Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) has started a campaign called Incredible India to promote tourism in India. For better growth, the Ministry of locations spread across different sections such as spiritual tourism, health tourism, ecotourism and adventure . Things have now started to look bright for the tourism industry of India. However, the Indian tourism industry has been affected by pollution. Effluents emitted by the Mathura refinery led to the decolonization of the Taj Mahal in Agra. The conditions of many of our monuments are deteriorating due to the negligence of the authorities concerned. On the other hand, the beaches have become garbage dumps and waste left by tourists. This problem should be properly monitored. Terrorism is now a global problem. Our country is not an exception. Terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, the Maoist attacks in West Bengal and Bihar, the Bodo agitation in the hilly areas north0eastern greatly affect tourism in our country. Kashmir is the paradise for national and international tourists. Terrorism in this valley not only affects the lives of ordinary people but also tourism, which is very important for the state economy. Measures must be taken by the state government and the central government to prevent this threat. The tourism infrastructure in India would be strengthened. Airports and railway stations should provide information to tourists on the tourist destination. Government-owned hotels should be properly managed. The government should also take steps to maintain the tourist destination. Measures should be taken to restore the former splendor of the monuments. Sincere efforts could contribute to further develop the tourism industry of India. Medical tourism: Today, India is emerging as a favorite spot treatment medal. Our country has experienced remarkable growth in the service of the hospital and well-qualified doctors who not only attracted the patient population of neighboring counties, but also the Middle East and the West. As the concept of medical tourism continues to grow in India, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, with assistance from the Department of Tourism, takes many initiatives to maintain international standards in medical facilities. With some of the best hospitals in the world, Delhi is competing with foreign countries. Although there are countries where critical patients May have to wait for months. But in Delhi, any type of treatment is available promptly. The cost of treatment is significantly lower than those of developed countries. Besides nursing personalized, location is superb Delhi to rejuvenate. Our country also includes the traditional concepts of Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy with complementary therapies like yoga, acupuncture and Aroma therapy progress of the healing process. Tour operators are now offering attractive in collaboration with hospitals in the city for vacation in perfect health. Thus the land of Nirvana is the best place for medical treatment (Prof. R.S. Dhillon , ). Tourism has been changed to an important social activity in our time. It is indeed a response to the natural need of human curiosity. Tourism, an important human phenomenon is considered in terms of political, social and geographical. Regarding the importance of tourism and tourists in the social destiny, economic countries to recognize and determine the identities of the tourists and also to define the various statistics, many definitions submitted by organizations and international experts. Regarding closed their concepts, it is noted that thousands of people are represented or not recognized as a tourist with a definition. To have a procedure to correct unit through statistics that has an important role in analyzing the issue of tourism and also to plan in tourism, with a perfect definition is considerably more important. ( Future outlook of the tourism industry: There are three views of future prospects of the tourism industry in the first view of the fundamental changes and are based in the priority as the development of communications with foreign and international d other countries, which stays close to the quality standards, control of health services, improved educational attainment of new transmission and applying more powers of man. In the third point of view of an ideal scenario were designed. By this point of view we have a problem in international communication and having a good starting point, we can see a growth of about 15%. Limitations and problems of tourism development: development of tourism in this province is facing obstacles. Some of these barriers are due to UN Development and moreover it is linked to cultural and social situations that provide the infrastructure for tourism development. Economic factors such as lack of investment, lack of equipment to skilled labor and services are the fundamental obstacles for tourism development (Pender, L. 1999). The assumption that all tourists have a negative impact and harmful to society and culture, has negative effects on thought and traditions of society and this idea has been evaluated by a psychologist, a sociologist and expert. It is confirmed that the economy with a single product will be very low production and use. It will cause a lack of success in selling domestic products to foreign markets. Export promotion as tourism development needs of cultural, social and economic. Meanwhile, lack of equipment and services will impact on many UN Development. In Eastern countries, the social and mental problems can be solved and solutions to economic barriers need more time. Economical barriers to tourism development are the same obstacles to economic development in the country. Problems of privatization, the limits of the funds market, lack of marketing strategies and export some of the problems of tourism development. Economic stability is the sub-category of political and social stabilit y (Parsaiyan, A. and S.M Aarabi, 2003). One of the main equipment and key in planning studies in all economic, social and cultural have an important role in statistics and information. The political instability of Tourism: Tourism has been drawn as very important economic factor effective in recent years. Transport problems: Ways condition is one factor in the effective development of tourism in each region. Thus, investment is very important and necessary. Lack of publicity and problems Official: Due to the lack of publicity, tourists are not informed on the major tourist attractions. Display advertising and broach, multilingual tour guide, books and CDs, Web sites can help develop tourism effectively. The problems and shortages of hotels, motels, tourist facilities in the province: Lack of cheap hotels that causes a lot of tourists is a very brief stay in India. This problem also causes the dissatisfaction of tourists. Unfamiliarity with the tourism industry: the negative assumptions of certain people and government managers, lack of training and an appropriate public announcement are some of the problems of tourism. (Lavasani, A., 1985). Shortage of skilled manpower: Shortage of skilled workforce in the government and private sectors is one of the major problems of tourism. Most people who work these jobs are not trained or specialty is not related to employment. Lack of knowledge on cultural heritage, handicrafts, traditions and attractions on tourism in the province of India is not developed and there is only little material around them. These zones are not ready to receive tourists, and because not to participate in tourism markets, they lack the opportunities to advertise on their cultural, historical, religious, and attractions crafts in other countries. Obstacles tourism and major problems: the problem of tourism and the obstacles of India province: No short-term and long term tourism master plan ,low investment in tourism projects , existence of a decision taken by several organizations ,lack of division between private and governmental duties of , lack of consideration to rebuild the tourist attractions of the province of India ,no advertising tourist attractions ,Lack of new techniques for advertising as Web sites, online booking ,lack of training for the workforce in the tourism industry ,lack of enforcement and regulations supportive of 10 lack of equipment and facilities ,no tourist services quality ,negative case on the tourism industry ,lack of consideration of the needs of tourists ,lack of publicity for local people on the importance of tourism ,existence many problems for the $ 16 insufficient consideration to sources present, tourism attractions and local and national tourism development tourist attraction in the provinc e of India has attracted local tourists and many countries. Tourism needs development, development of domestic tourism, planning and implementation of advertising programs designed to motivate travel in Indian and international tourists. This implementation will lead to the development of domestic tourism and pave the way for the participation of local investment in tourism projects (Lee, J. 1999). Development of religious tourism: it is best to attract foreign tourists from Muslim countries as we have many cultural similarities and there are lots of interests between religion and neighboring countries and the Persian Gulf. As religious tourism, and the Holy Temple and the mosque has a large role in the development of tourism. Marketing in the tourism destination country according to national standards tourism master plan for India: If the government wants to advertise tourist attractions in different markets, they must invest a lot of money on the spread, and could not be considered profitable by the ideas of some managers. It is preferable to invest in the country of destination tourism as cultural relations and similarities nation. To find new tourism markets, the interests of the nation show examined and studied and depending on the outcome of the options should be selected. Considering the tourism industry as an effective if the decision does not consider tourism as an important industry, if this product like other sectors will have the production areas of distribution, marketing and consumption. Marketing must invest and advertising attractions, culture and civilization. It should be considered as tourism in this destination for which a group of people has been designed, because there is a direct rel ationship between motivation and income. Develop communication with international tourism organizations and participate in conferences and specialized these days, seminars entering the international market require direct cooperation with the international network markets. Therefore, the government and the private tourism sector should be close cooperation with international organizations. To develop tourism, people working in state and private sectors must participate in specialized conferences and seminars to further their knowledge (Mahalati, S. 2001). People and local associations should be familiar with the tourism industry, and they must know the personal benefits and national tourism, and when they are informed, they will preserve the sights and they contribute to tourism development. Tourism is an industry that does not belong to a group or part of the city. Total, cooperation of people is necessary, and many general managers, companies and organizations engaged in tourism, directly or indirectly, if the tourism organization should inform the participation activity. The training of persons working in the tourism industry (hotels, motels ) manpower training is necessary because every tourist has his own interest, so people working in hotels, restaurants, rest areas tourism must learn their training. They should behave politely with tourism, because the good behavior of people working in the tourism section is very effective for the satisfaction of tourists. Training of skilled manpower, specialized training and educated workforce can promote tourism and an expert can properly investigate and find weaknesses in tourism services. Strategies to give value to religious, cultural, historical and ecotourism attractions for tourism development Increase the length of stay of touristà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s strategy to provide value is to suggest ways and new solutions to increase the length of stay of tourists. It must be studied on ways to make travel more diverse tourists and make it more interesting for them, because tourism is not only visit the tourist attractions and return to the hotel. Give the variety of tourism activities and the proliferation of sources of tourism will bring tourists back to this destination. Retrieve and create tourist attractions using the capabilities of tourism potential and equipment properly, and the creation of new tourism areas will pave the way for the visiting tourists. Attractions should be kept well to receive tourists for years. (Mak, J. 2004)
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
Nowadays, the amount of people who want and able to be a teacher has been lesser and lesser from time to time. It is because teaching is a very hard and stressful job and it has been considered as the one of the top five hard jobs in the world (Lewis 2014). Work stress is the stress occurred at work, is the ‘natural’ limit of human endurance and ability to recover, is the product of the unsustainable pressures and requires placed on the worker by late capitalism (Wainwright & Calnan 2002). The occupational stress is associated with reduced productivity, impaired employee, worker turnover, well-being and absenteeism (McCormick 1995). The signs of stress of a teacher can be in physical, psychological and behavioral form (Wainwright & Calnan 2002). For example, the symptoms are block out new information, involve themselves only superficially, display in appropriate humor and some more else. These signs of stress may cause by the work conditions, workload, job insecurity and relationships at work (Edworthy 2000). There are three simple methods for teachers to handle their stress, such as having a good time management, a healthy lifestyle, and right attitude. Teachers contribute most of their time in teaching, so it is important for teachers to deal with their time smartly (Dean 2013). Teachers will feel stress in their teaching if they are not able to arrange their time well. It is because teachers need to spend most of their time to focus and prepare for their lessons. For example, teachers need to cover the chapters for the next day lessons, and prepare the studies materials at night. Without preparations and knowledge for the next day lesson, teachers may nervous and do not know how to answer the questions asked by students. Moreov... naughty students, lazy students, smart students and some more else. Those students who have bad attitudes may make teachers angry and scold them. So, in this kind of situation, teachers can try to give a chance more to those students and forgive their bad behavior towards teachers. This action may build the trust again between teachers and students, and teachers can have lesser stress from this forgiveness situation compared to the scolding situation. As a conclusion, teachers should learn some tips for helping themselves to cope with their stress at work, and should not bring the stress back home, and share together with their families. They should have the happy moments with their families after their working time. Teachers may also share their happiness with their students in classes. Lastly, teachers are mighty and their contributions should be appreciated. Essay -- Nowadays, the amount of people who want and able to be a teacher has been lesser and lesser from time to time. It is because teaching is a very hard and stressful job and it has been considered as the one of the top five hard jobs in the world (Lewis 2014). Work stress is the stress occurred at work, is the ‘natural’ limit of human endurance and ability to recover, is the product of the unsustainable pressures and requires placed on the worker by late capitalism (Wainwright & Calnan 2002). The occupational stress is associated with reduced productivity, impaired employee, worker turnover, well-being and absenteeism (McCormick 1995). The signs of stress of a teacher can be in physical, psychological and behavioral form (Wainwright & Calnan 2002). For example, the symptoms are block out new information, involve themselves only superficially, display in appropriate humor and some more else. These signs of stress may cause by the work conditions, workload, job insecurity and relationships at work (Edworthy 2000). There are three simple methods for teachers to handle their stress, such as having a good time management, a healthy lifestyle, and right attitude. Teachers contribute most of their time in teaching, so it is important for teachers to deal with their time smartly (Dean 2013). Teachers will feel stress in their teaching if they are not able to arrange their time well. It is because teachers need to spend most of their time to focus and prepare for their lessons. For example, teachers need to cover the chapters for the next day lessons, and prepare the studies materials at night. Without preparations and knowledge for the next day lesson, teachers may nervous and do not know how to answer the questions asked by students. Moreov... naughty students, lazy students, smart students and some more else. Those students who have bad attitudes may make teachers angry and scold them. So, in this kind of situation, teachers can try to give a chance more to those students and forgive their bad behavior towards teachers. This action may build the trust again between teachers and students, and teachers can have lesser stress from this forgiveness situation compared to the scolding situation. As a conclusion, teachers should learn some tips for helping themselves to cope with their stress at work, and should not bring the stress back home, and share together with their families. They should have the happy moments with their families after their working time. Teachers may also share their happiness with their students in classes. Lastly, teachers are mighty and their contributions should be appreciated.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Risks and Benefits of Plastic Surgery Essay -- Cosmetic Surgery essays
Risks and Benefits of Plastic Surgery Plastic surgery is a growing entity which needs to be assessed more carefully. Messages within the media indirectly contribute to the rising rate of plastic surgery. Desires to meet the idealisms of media representations are often so consuming that people demand plastic surgery despite all of its associated risks and controversies. To compensate for this up and coming surgical trend, technology has developed more reasonable and attainable options for the public. Millions of operations are now able to be performed on those wishing to fulfill specific gratifcations toward their own personal appearance and/or self-esteem. This is a serious problem in that people are unaware or just simply disregard the risks and controversies associated with unnecessary surgeries. Physical: In order to understand how plastic surgery is detrimental, it is necessary to look at the negative impact it can leave on a person or persons. The most obvious of the problems associated within the industry is the unnecessary risk it poses to one's physical health and well-being., the largest network of Plastic Surgeons backed by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, claims that there are a great deal of potential risks which are associated with aesthetic surgeries. These include complications from bleeding, suture reaction and wound separation, Necrosis, nerve damage, allergic reactions to anesthesia, scarring, and any other complications associated with routine surgical procedures. Bleeding normally continues up to 3 days post surgery and can cause problems clotting, or hemotoma, making the patient(s) susceptible to infection or seromas, which is a collection of tissue fluid. Sutures are foreign... ...ducation/procedures/psychological_aspects.cfm Cosmetic Surgery. (2004). In The new Harvard guide to women's health (p. 179). Cambridge , MA & London , England : Harvard University Press (2006) Plastic Surgery – Virtual Plastic Surgery. Retrieved March 12, 2006, from National Research Center for Women & Families, (2006). What you need to know . . before you get breast implants. Retrieved March 5, 2006, from ( U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA/Office of Public Affairs, FDA Consumer, 2000). Retrieved on March 5, 2006 from
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Discuss sex differences in parental investment
Trivers suggests that parental investment differs because of the sex differences that exist between males and females. From the outset of parenthood, females make a greater biological investment then males. Notably, female’s reproductive system is more precious as they produce very few eggs whilst males produce a large number ofcom/exercise-43/"> sperm. This suggests that the biological aspect of conceiving a child is much more costly for females hence their greater parental investment. As a result of this, females have to be much chooser in their selection of a male as they do not want to waste their eggs. It is not just a larger prenatal investment that females make but it is also much larger postnatal investment. Due to the immaturity of human babies at birth compared to other mammals, there is an extended period of childcare featuring breastfeeding. Males are unable to breastfeed as thus the female’s role is much more dominant and explains why they have high levels of investment at this stage and why she may seek a man with good genes and commitment to the relationship. This supports Buss’s cross cultural findings that women value material resources in potential partners, whereas males, who make less parental investment, have multiple mating’s with young females. This greater investment of females can be further explained by parental certainty. Female’s paternity can be certain as the pregnancy is happening internally. However, males cannot be as certain that the child is theirs. For this reason, it is suggested that males protect themselves from the rick of cuckoldry by being reluctant to invest heavily in offspring. Sexual infidelity is not just a risk for males investing in offspring that is not genetically theirs but it is also a risk for females. This is because if a male carries out sexual infidelity, they bear a child with another woman and the male will invest in that offspring, diverting his resources away from the original relationship. This explains why males are more jealous of the sexual act and females are more jealous in the shift of emotional focus. Buss et al support the differences in jealously between males and females, as he found that males showed more distress for the sexual element whereas females showed more distress for the emotional element. As a result of sex differences in parental investment, some women may choose to use cuckoldry as a method of obtaining more resources from multiple men and thus decrease own personal investment. However, this method carries great risk for the female as this could lead to abandonment or retention strategies such as violence. Parental investment theory suggests that men don’t want to father children that aren’t theirs as they will use up all their resources. Anderson found that this wasn’t the case. They found that fathers and stepfathers did not discriminate between children who were biological and those who were their partner’s children. Parental investment models have been critiqued for lacking relevance to real life and modern society because now females and males both work hard to attend to children and do house chores. It is a shared responsibility and investment. This means this idea is outdated. The theory also supports gender stereotyping as males are seen to be evolutionally programmed to be promiscuous. Not all males act in this manner, especially in extreme religious groups where sec is not practised before marriage. Trivers theory also tells us little about homosexual relationships which are not reproductive. It assumed we are all a product of our genes in pursuit of fostering these, which is a determinist viewpoint. The theory is also very nature and evolutionary based. Trivers theory assumes sexual attraction is all about babies and ignores it can be for fun rather than reproduction, highlighted by the wide use of contraception. Not all mating is long term and women do also engage in short term relationships such as one night stands and affairs. Therefore, his theory is oversimplified, animalistic, and deterministic and suffers from evolutionary reductionism. In conclusion, a physiological approach can better explained to show the different parental investments. Geher et al found that males showed a greater AMS arousal when presented with scenarios that showed the real costs of parenting. This is a consistent with the theory of parental investment as males are found to be less prepared than females for dealing with parental issues.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Wider Professional Practice
Task 1 Wider Professional Practice We were selected to deliver a learning activity on the concept of Professionalism in the LLS. Tasked to investigate the meaning of professionalism, using the perspective of organisations such as the Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK), the training and Development Agency (TDA), Institute of Learning (IfL) and also considering the broader context of business. In order to broaden the scope of research the group were allocated specific tasks.We gathered the definition of professionalism from a eight separate sources such as traditional dictionaries, the internet, business sources, including government bodies’ interpretations. This was beneficial as I learned the range of definitions and how professionalism is interpreted in different sectors. The group dynamics were completely normal, with some members not meeting dead lines for submission of resources, others being too dominating with unrealistic expectation, members not being regular attendees, some c ontributing too little others contributing too much.I would say that it was a typical group mix and as the groups were selected randomly; the result was the best mix. I was very happy to work with all the members. We were able to agree on the most comprehensive definition as â€Å"continually achieving excellence through a willing, eager and responsible approach to: †¢enhancing one’s own relevant qualifications and competence (LLUK); †¢the development of one’s own knowledge and the application of good practice relative to teaching and learning (CPD); †¢developing people and improving young lives (TDA)’.It was also agreed that a teacher should follow some principles of professionalism; Teachers should take a responsible and proactive approach to: 1. Improving knowledge; 2. The application of good practice; 3. Addressing quality, diversity and inclusivity issues; 4. Complying with the law; 5. Respecting professional codes of practice; 6. Accepting governance and accountability; 7. Being altruistic in professional duty and 8. Embracing change and making it work.Through our research we came across the business idea adopted by the Japanese methodology where the process of work has been organized into five stages, so in-order to understand work there are 5 phases or the 5 ‘S; 1. Sorting, 2. Straightening or setting in order, 3. Sweeping or systematic cleaning, 4. Standardising, 5. Sustain the discipline or self discipline. We looked at a report by Ashwin Kini (2011) who gave his view on professionalism and distilled this into the 3 â€Å"P’s†of Passion, Persistence and Professionalism. Therefore qualities an individual should have to perform well and gain authority.However when I looked at a report from Brown and Turk (1998) the mmisuse of power can happen when a professional person takes control of a situation. People on the receiving end of power misuse feel powerless. Brown and Turk (Brown, 1998) suggest t hat children and vulnerable adults can be subject to physical abuse because of an abuse of power. These vulnerable people are usually in care and because of their special needs, the professional have access to their bodies beyond what would be considered typical (Brown, 1998, p114).We all were included in the discussions and opinions were heard but clear boundaries were laid down to which the group was able to follow set targets. The planning was clear and developed a good foundation to which we were able to include a good volume of material with varied critical opinions. Learning took place when we introduced the concept and coupled with our level of interest we were able to engage the learners, with our idea.We also handed out a very comprehensive amount of additional critical material in order so that the learners could refer back to it for future reference. Furthermore, if I had to do this again we would organize our handout material in either one simple handout, so that the lea rners could follow the speaker or have the other group members stand at the back of the class, to hand out information. In order not to overshadow the main speaker and keep the noise level down as mentioned on the evaluation feedback sheet (see Appendix1). In the findings t was clear that predominately the individuals felt that the presentation, the group activity was fit for purpose. The group aim was to ensure we structured the presentation in a comprehensive way and at the same time handout more than enough information for the individuals to have and read in there own time. I understand that a level of professionalism is an important part to the role of a teacher and although it is incorporated in the standards, guidelines and policies of organizations, is often not implemented nor highlighted in practice.Certainly in respect to my currently college and I feel this acts as a restraint on my progression and my ability to be â€Å"professional†. The importance of this subjec t I feel goes beyond what a teacher may know, but if they lack a clear understanding of professionalism they are missing a broad area of the profession. As teaching is such a demanding profession, careful consideration needs to be given to how effort is distributed so that every student gets equal attention. As a professional it is important that consistency is maintained.When teaching students they will need to know what the learning objectives are so I clearly explained at the beginning of the lesson and recapped at the end. These are some of the patterns of behaviour that I have adapted in my practice. I have discovered that these simple practices help to make students aware of how the topic connects to the Big Picture. Ginnis (2002:32) proposes, ‘if pupils are allowed to see the big picture, the purpose of the lesson, what it contains, how it fits with what’s gone before and where it is going, then more interest and motivation will be shown in lessons. As teachers w e demonstrate a passion that stimulates learning by giving examples, ensuring clarity, providing individual as well as whole class practice in applying knowledge. These are some of the ways that I am able to support students in lessons to think for themselves and gain a better understanding of the subject, thereby applying knowledge in light of other situations. Appendix 1 – Peer feedback Feedback #1 †¢Group facilitator should have hovered instead of walking & talking within group instead of letting us just get on with it. 0 handouts disturbed flow but also good resources & research!! Professionalism – looked & delivered well Feedback #2 †¢The overall presentation was very good. Evidence of research was evident, you seemed to have confidence in what you were doing and your findings will help me in my own professionalism. Learning took place but there were too many distractions handing out handouts. Feedback #3 †¢Group member should not be speaking whilst one member is delivering. Handouts could have been sent via email really Feedback #4 Please do not talk to other group members whilst one of your group is giving the presentation Feedback #5 †¢If we had more time on the activity, would’ve been more useful. I know you were pressed for time. I really enjoyed it, otherwise everything was very professional. I want to know more. Thanks. Feedback #6 †¢Lots of handouts which were given out at the same time as the information which proved a little distracting. Very well planned & executed presentation. Feedback #7 †¢I thought it was put across very professionally, very good, sharp and interesting – well done!!Feedback#8 †¢Too much/many pieces of paper. References: Brown. H, TurkV, (1998) ‘Defining sexual abuse as it affects adults with learning disabilities’ in K100 Understanding Health and Social Care, Offprints Book, Milton Keynes, The Open University Ginnis, P. (2002) The Teachers Toolkit. Wales. Crown House Publishing. Kini. A. A Personal View of Professionalism @ http://www. ipthree. org/blog/professionalism-what-does-it-mean? start=5 (Last accessed 22. 05. 11) http://tlp. excellencegateway. org. uk/tlp/cpd/puttingcpdintoa/putting (Last accessed 29. 4. 11) http://www. ifl. ac. uk/(Last accessed 29. 04. 11) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/5S_(methodology) (Last accessed 29. 04. 11) Task 2. The role of Quality Assurance in LLS. Following the brief introduction by the group we were asked to address the question â€Å"How would you evaluate the role of a teacher in terms of quality assurance? †Following this statement the group continued to move to the group activity. The activity charted out a â€Å"time-line†in which individuals were asked to see what there role at each stage.I found this a little challenging initially as I haven’t considered my role in term of quality assurance in terms of the complete cycle of the learner on a course of study. The aim of the learning activity was useful in as much as it increased my understanding of the full range of a learner’s route broken across a time line, which I have not seen demonstrated in this form. I would recommend that the introduction be extended on the simple fact that the time used by the individual to understand the activity and its purpose the group could have eased the learners in to the activity without disrupting engagement.But it did not give a simple explanation of Quality Assurance, something like â€Å"is a type of quality improvement, which provides provisions with recognition that they have achieved quality against a set of standards. This provides settings with satisfaction and shows parents/carers that the provision has raised standards above minimum. †(National Children's Bureau 2007). Clearly the subject was well researched by the group being demonstrated through the material provided as well as the delivery of the presentation had a good rapp ort, which allowed for a smooth transition between group members.As a result of having participated in the activity I now realize the importance of quality assurance at a number of different stages. Also that the aim of the quality assurance in education is to provide a framework for reviewing, measuring and improving the quality of the work being done by approved institutes. I also learned that the systems operate on a number of process’s which measures the quality of provided by the service and identifies areas for ongoing quality improvement.With the ultimate aim of these quality assurance systems for learning providers to promote and ensure quality outcomes for learners. But the learning activity did not cover the possible methods which can be used to increase and improve Quality Assurance in institutes by increasing its awareness to teachers. I feel that this can only be achieved through a shared understanding of service aims, priorities, policy developments and monitori ng and evaluating mechanisms. This requires everyone involved to have a clear vision of what they are working towards and commitment?I would like the group to also be specific and maybe tried addressing the issue of whether it is possible to provide an overall service for learners which encompasses every learner in every aspect of society. Furthermore I would have liked the group to mention the definition of what constitutes ‘quality’ as I have found out that it has been the subject of an ongoing debate particularly in relation to the balance between parent-led and professional-led services for children and families. Overall having participated in the activity I now realise the importance of quality assurance across a much wider range of events.I have in the past given little attention to quality assurance and certainly following the presentation I have further investigated this topic in relation to broadening my own learning. It has been an important experience for me to investigate further the areas that I may not have considered very important but where now for me a Tutorials can be seen as a form of quality assurance as they offer the learner advice and give feedback on their learning journey – how far they have come, where they are now and where they are going to.Reference: National Children's Bureau (2007) Putting children and young people first [online] Available from: http://www. ncb. org. uk/Page. asp (Last accessed 22. 05. 11) Group 3 An aspect of equal opportunity policy and its impact in LLS It was clear that this group had done there research and demonstrated a relatively competent understanding of equal opportunity. Through there presentation the aim was to get the information concisely delivered to the class by means of power point material as well as by a main speaker.A colorful leaflet was also created. The contents were, concise bits of information regarding the definition of â€Å"disability†under the Equality Act 2010. The leaflet was very concise and I feel that under the circumstances the information that I got was very limited and in order for me to get a stronger grip with the subject I would certainly require further research in the area, in my own time. I felt this to be a negative aspect to the material and would have hoped to get a more detail list of resources.As for the presentation, this group decided to hand out a group activity. This involved a list of three open questions designed to draw from the group its understanding on issues relating to equal opportunity. I felt that the initial request to undertake the questioner was very vague in its instruction announced to the class. Following this the supervising staff I felt were a little too keen to get the group started in there discussion, rather than allowing the groups a moment to absorb the requirement.The aim of the learning activity was useful in as much as it increased my understanding of barriers of education, equal oppor tunity for all for an inclusive classroom by setting achievable targets, managing facilities and differentiation related to diverse learning needs and of the relevant Acts of law related to equal opportunity but these area did not cover any in-depth explanation on these areas which I could refer to at a later date. Question one required a list of potential barriers to learning and assessment.For the initial question our group was able to chart out a number of barriers. Although the second question took relatively longer to understand, one reason could be that it was not to the point. I felt that the group also realized this fact as they attempted to ask an additional two questions in order to lead to the desired outcome. The final question required the group to list relevant Acts relating to equal opportunity, with the ability to use the internet to gather the answers.Under the circumstances this was not practical as it was a class activity limited by time, I was in a group of matur e individuals who through their long experience in teaching have come across a number of the government Acts. Listing the Government Acts related to equal opportunity was useful in as much as it highlighted my understanding of what they are, but it would have been better if they could have given a simple Executive Summary, which would have helped me more. As a result of me participating in the activity I now realize that it is important for me to investigate further Policies in the education sector.Group 4- A government policy- Every Child Matters (ECM/ELM) The group introduced the activity which was an introduction to the government green paper Every Child Matters (Children Act, 2004). In 2003, the Green Paper ‘Every Child Matters’ was published and designed to protect children and maximise their potential in response to the death of Victoria Climbie[1], This opening sequence had me completely engaged. I learned that the tragedy of Victoria’s death uncovered the weaknesses in our ability to protect the most vulnerable pupils.This publication sets out a framework for the new approach to the well being of children and young people from birth to the age of 19[2] and it is aimed at helping reduce the number of educational failures, offences and anti social behaviour and those who suffer from ill health, teenage pregnancy and abuse. I learned that although the current coalition government has moved away from the term ECM and withdrawing its funding, it has simply replaced the term to ELM (Every Learner Matters). Although the principle of ECM is preserved by the Children Act (2004) and even though the terms have changed the organizations linked with ECM i. social workers, health workers, and the police continue to base there practice on ECM ideology. Regarding the activity, the instructions could have been more clear and concise to avoid asking the group to repeat the instructions. The group members demonstrated a competent understanding of the subject area as they were able to share there knowledge confidently and answer all questions. The group worked well together as they were able to demonstrated a smooth transition from each member. I felt that the learning activity was extremely helpful but I think they could have explained in detail the Government aim for a learner.This resulted in me finding out that the Governments aims for all young people whatever their background may be: 1. To be healthy 2. To stay safe 3. Enjoy and achieve 4. To make a positive contribution 5. To achieve economic wellbeing The aim of the learning activity was useful in that it increased my understanding of how and why the policy of ECM was introduced but it did not cover in-depth the main outcomes of this policy. I would have liked to have more information to allow me to further investigate this area and i feel if a critical material list was provided it would have been very helpful in my learning.This has clearly highlighted a need for me to extend my understanding with the regulations of ECM/ELM. Reference: [1] BBC News : www. news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/in_depth/uk/2002/victoria_climbie_inquiry/default. stm (Last accessed 22. 05. 11) [2] http://www. everychildmatters. gov. uk/aims/ (Last accessed 22. 05. 11) Task 4. In light of the experience of the other group discussions I was very much interested in the subjects covered. I personally feel that these subjects although covered before were far more effective when delivered by peers in this format.The interest and passions was certainly palpable in there delivery. I learned something new with each subject either through the group activity or through the presentation. The area of the Life Long Learning Sector (LLS) is constantly changing and in order for me to keep up with the changes I plan on investigating further ongoing progress. I would be certainly looking deeper in to the idea of professionalism in the context of my teaching and college. The aim being I incorporate it more heavily in my future teaching and development for the future.The Every Child Matters initiative is integrated into the college system. But it is not openly publicised and following the presentation I feel it’s certainly something I need to incorporate in my personal understanding. Currently the college that I work at is undergoing radical and extensive changes with the introduction of regular staff training days and I will make sure to attend are the ECM/ELM initiative. The systems are under constant review to match this initiative and as a result the college has adapted various approaches to ensure learners receive the best support and guidance.The aim of each and every new development I pursue is to ensure that I learn that each pupil is considered on their own merits and that where help and assistance is required I enable the pupils to access the curriculum to achieve their full potential. In addition I will need to explore the following reports in greater depth, Suc cess for All (2002), Skills for Life (2001), 14-19 Education and Skills The Tomlinson Report (2005), The Foster Review (2005) looking at the future of further education colleges. Further: The National improvement Strategy (2007) from the quality improvement agency.These are just a few of the significant material that I feel can further enhance my future development. Education: Raising Skills, improving Life Chances (2006), Raising expectations and Pursuing Excellence. Furthermore I will like to investigate why it is that in the current political and economic climate the government is sending contradictory messages, where on the one hand major cuts are being implemented to the university funding in the LLS initial teacher education. Whilst on the other hand sending and supporting a message of the importance and magnitude for the country to have a qualified, fully trained and professional LLS workforce.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Beat Me Skeet Me: A Critical Analysis of “Secretary†Essay
â€Å"Secretary,†the movie, is a provocative and warped love story. Viewers may go purple with rage or gray with disgust, while many may turn pink with embarrassment in order to hide the red of arousal. This movie crosses dangerous psychological territory: the threshold between desire and pain, between surrender and subjugation. Gaitskill’s â€Å"Secretary†is more about submissiveness and â€Å"sexual perversion†(Garrett 1). Critic Regina Weinreich argues that Gaitskill’s debut is startling and refreshing due to the neediness she portrays in her characters; their â€Å"vulnerablility makes them . . . victims of their own behavior†(Weinreich 1). Steven Shainberg’s film, working from a short story by Mary Gaitskill, is about two specific characters. Some will claim that Shainberg’s film makes sexual abuse palatable, maintains that women secretly crave submission to a dominant male, and makes the case that humiliation at the hands of a man can lead to psychological freedom, not to mention all the awful things it implies about the position of secretaries. Yet, â€Å"Secretary†is so consistent in its characters that it’s fair to say that only in the case of these two weirdly satisfying people are any of the instances true to life. The film shows how specific characters bridge their isolation (Shainberg 3). The additions to the film adaptation of Mary Gaitskill’s â€Å"Secretary†makes the story more fascinating and better justifies the characters’ actions. See more: how to write a good critical analysis essay Mary Gaitskill’s â€Å"Secretary†is about a frumpy wallflower who’s so â€Å"bruised emotionally†that she’s struggling to â€Å"connect with [her]self†(Weinreich 1). She gets a job as a secretary and ends up in a strange sadomasochistic relationship with her employer. It’s a great premise for a story, especially in its absurd moments, as when the lawyer begins to spank his new hire for every typo she commits. Gaitskill is an insightful writer; her stories are â€Å"lean and quick and tightly controlled,†yet the end of â€Å"Secretary†is flat, and too serious (Garrett 1). Gaitskill’s humor in â€Å"Secretary†is dry and teasingly salacious; it’s a more subtle incitement of sadomasochism. Having been spanked and sexually humiliated by her employer, the narrator feels estranged from her own body. And she likes that estrangement; it fires her sexual fantasies. When you finish reading the story, you think to yourself, â€Å"So what? Why should I care for this character?†The secretary begins and remains much the same. She is the kind of person who suffers from such low self-esteem that she invites and accepts abuse. She â€Å"frequently wonder[s] if there’s something wrong with [herself]†(Hallgren 2). You can’t blame the lawyer for maltreating her and you find yourself wishing that he’d managed to knock some sense into her. It’s hard to feel for anyone so stubborn and resigned. The protagonist in the story wasn’t known to enjoy pain before the incident, so it’s hard to justify how she responds to her boss’s abuse. The only explanations for her reaction are that she was bewildered, curious, or simply passive and submissive (Kakutani 1). In the movie, Lee Holloway is a lost young woman with family issues. She’s just been discharged from the asylum and has gone right back to what put her there in the first place, a compulsion to cut herself. Lee finds a job as a legal secretary at the office of attorney Edward Grey. When she first enters the office on a rainy morning, she’s wearing a hooded rain coat, which makes her look innocent and introverted compared to Grey in his business suit. The description of the lawyer in the story gave no real feeling of dominance, except that he had an aggressive hand shake. The movie, on the other hand, gives the audience a very clear image of his strength and control, and all his little quirks, such as the red markers he keeps and his built up energy that he exhausts by working out. In the film, the characters’ motives and personalities are â€Å"not only dramatically palatable but emotionally plausible†(McCarthy 1). Once we get to know Grey, we learn that he’s trying to let out his inner pervert, and the effort is making him into a repressed wretch; his eyes bulge with suppressed rage and fear. Lee is the fly the spider cannot resist. Through their increasingly bizarre relationship, Lee follows her deepest longings to the heights of masochism and finally to a place of self-affirmation. The boss-secretary relationship starts to take on master-slave overtones before the big moment when, as punishment for a couple of innocent typos, Grey demands that Lee bend over his desk so he can administer a few thwacks across her ass. Lee is transformed. As Lee submits to this humiliation, she experiences an â€Å"exhilarating release and a shock of recognition†(Ansen 1). The episode allows her to stop the impulse of cutting herself. Louise Pembroke, a self-mutilator herself, argues that â€Å"S&M is not a self-harm substitute. Pain as pleasure is not the same as pain from self-injury†as the film suggests (Pembroke 3). Joe Queenan believes that â€Å"Lee has [just] found a less destructive and more socially acceptable outlet for her . . . masochistic tendencies†(Queenan 1). As she and Grey continue their dominance/submission games, she begins to dress better, carry herself with confidence and lose the social awkwardness that was her personality. In Gaitskill’s story the spanking incident was â€Å"just another quality in the cumulative discovery of character†(Johnson 1). Debby came to little if any revelation in the story. The characterization of Lee makes â€Å"Secretary†a charming comedy. As she puts up with the conventional courtship practices of her gentle but dull boyfriend, who is not in Gaitskill’s story, she’s as ungainly and self-conscious as a stranger. Peter asks Lee â€Å"‘I didn’t hurt you did I?’ after a bout of imagination-free sex. Lee stares into space, her gaze signaling, ‘If only'†(Kemp 2). The spanking incident leads to a flowering of Lee’s sexual self that pushes aside the boyfriend, her twittery mother, her snotty sister and her drunk father. Grey’s imperious manner and his imposing office are the triggers that allow Lee to escape her cocoon and become a kinky sadomasochist butterfly. The twist here is that Grey is hounded by shame and it’s up to Lee to rescue him from his self-loathing. This helps show the film’s point that sexual liberation lies with surrender to one’s own kinks, and that even perverts deserve to find a soul mate. Lee was â€Å"so profoundly moved by someone having discovered her secret source of satisfaction†that she was able to be open about it (McCarthy 2). â€Å"Secretary†is, at its core, a little love story which dares to suggest that genuine love can come from sexual dominance. In the written story, the lawyer doesn’t show any remorse, except to send Debby a severance check. And, Debby barely comes to any epiphany over the strange occurrence with her boss. In the film, however, the secretary begins as a self-conscious cutter and transforms into a free and beautiful woman. This is what distinguishes the film as truly perverse; it envisions S&M not as a stereotypical session with whips and chains, but rather as a force capable of transforming a person. Before the sadomasochistic relationship developed, Lee mutilated herself privately. When their relationship began to unfold, â€Å"it [was] as if [Lee admitted] somebody else into [her] private world†of masochism (Shainberg 1). The protagonist of Gaitskill’s story seems to accept the sadistic behavior of her boss as a reinforcement of her own piteousness, whereas the protagonist of the movie attains a kind of self-liberation through it. When Lee submits to the lawyer’s demand that she sit at his desk until he returns in order to prove her love, she undergoes an endurance test. She waits there with her hands flat on his desk as day turns into night and back again to day, eating and drinking nothing, urinating on her fiance’s mother’s wedding dress, and enduring confrontations with her fiance, family members, a priest and tv crews. The effect of this incredible act of submission, which is found in the film but not the story, is not to reinforce the secretary’s low self-esteem, but to demonstrate that she finds within herself a power to endure. She approaches the act not as though it were a psychodrama but as though it was a contest of self-restraint. Her ability to suffer surpasses the lawyer’s ability to enjoy the spectacle of suffering, her masochism exceeds his sadism, and with this realization they enter into a strange new territory: a loving relationship in which the usual imbalance of power between sadist and masochist is offset by the strength of her masochism. The two characters seem destined for each other. Mary Gaitskill’s short story is well written, but touches more on abuse and submissiveness than sadomasochism and love. Gaitskill shows the characters relationship as being determined â€Å"by the convergence of mutually compatible fantasies,†rather than â€Å"such abstract passions as love, hate or desire,†which are portrayed in the film (Kakutani 1). The movie is much more intriguing and effective at getting a point across. Short stories, unlike films, are limited in the amount of information that can be portrayed, and the depth of which characters can be depicted. The protagonist’s self inflicted pain, her horrible family ties, and her boyfriend are just a few of the additions to Gaitskill’s story that make the plot and characters in the movie stronger. Works Cited: Ansen, David. â€Å"Hostile Work Environment: Typing, Filing, Bondage: This ‘Secretary’ Aims to Please.†Newsweek 17 May 2003: pg.70 Garrett, George. â€Å"Fun and Games for Sadomasochists.†New York Times 21 Aug. 1988: BR3 Hallgren, Sherri. â€Å"Stories Explore the Tangled Emotions of Complex Lives.†San Francisco Chronicle 29 Dec. 1996: p3. Johnson, George. â€Å"New and Noteworthy.†New York Times 18 June 1989: BR34. Kakutani, Michiko. â€Å"Seedy Denizens of a Menacing Downtown World.†New York Times 21 May 1988: pg.17 Kemp, Phillip. â€Å"Secretary.†Sight and Sound 13 (2003): 54-5 McCarthy, Todd. â€Å"Secretary (Sundance).†Variety 385 (2002): 36-7 Pembroke, Louise. â€Å"Secretary.†Mental Health Practice 6 (2003): p 26-7 Queenan, Joe. â€Å"The Story of an Office Romance With a Twist.†The Guardian (London, England) 17 May 2003: p12. Shainberg, Steven. Interview by Terry Gross. Fresh Air. WHYY-FM. 31 Oct. 2002. Weinreich, Regina. â€Å"Small Affirmations.†The American Book Review 11.3 (July- Aug. 1989): 12, 19
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