Friday, January 31, 2020
Javascript Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Javascript - Essay Example Furthermore, needs change as a system is developed so the needs as identified when the system was specified may be different by the time that the system is tested. V & V process involves the whole life-cycle process it must be applied at each stage in the software process. It has two principal objectives namely the discovery of defects in a system and the assessment of whether or not the system is useful and useable in an operational situation. V & V should establish confidence that the software is fit for purpose. This does NOT mean completely free of defects. Rather, it must be good enough for its intended use and the type of use will determine the degree of confidence that is needed. The making of the game was quite enjoyable. The JavaScript usage was done to its extreme level for the use of DOM objects and extensive use of functions. The various details regarding the JavaScript would enable us to develop applications and make sure that all the various knowledge is used for enhancing technology. The various DOM and the JavaScript functions used enable us to understand the power of functions and discuss the variability of the various arguments. The events in JavaScript are used at its exhaustiveness and make sure that all the various solutions are quite knowledge oriented for its advanced use. The true use of the programming ability of JavaScript enables one to fetch a large knowledge in the use of functions, events and DOM structure to develop quite complex programs for developing better products and technologies. The Nougat and Crosses game has enhanced my vision towards the subject and the powerful components of the subject which is yet to be exploited for better use. The innovation in me has seeded with the surprising view of the functions and the objects that can be used with the language and enable its usage for developing bigger and better
Thursday, January 23, 2020
What Being An American Menas To Me :: essays research papers
What Being An American Means to Me I believe the term American applies to the entire hemisphere, from Alaska to Chile and Argentina, assuming that all people fall under the same culture as the conventional United States. Basically I feel like it means being a small part of a huge diversity of people. As an infant, like all other infants, I started with no culture and slowly learned the cultural values of the United States of America. These cultural values seem almost oblivious as I look back on it now, but as I have matured I have come to understand what it means to be an American. If I have the chance to travel some I believe I will have a stronger sense of what being American means to me. I think this is because it would give me a more realistic view of the world with regards to other countries. With diversity comes learning, understanding the differences between people and myself. It often seems that people simply think that their values are the right ones, but I would like to think that it is within the potential of every person to go beyond this. I believe that there is probably always a better way, we just have to find it. I think it is important to learn not to attach a good or bad label on a culture, but to realize that life is not that simple. Being American is a privile ge and there are many connotations to being American. I also think it is important to stand for what you believe in, but also be accepting of other possibilities without judgement. We all have to realize that there are differences and that is what makes this world such a great place to live in. Sometimes I believe that Americans feel they are so powerful and elitist and do not appreciate the wonder of other cultures in the world. I think being an American means the right to have rights, the freedom to be different. I would also say it means having the ability to control your own life, your destiny.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Multi-faceted character Essay
In Shakespeare’s â€Å"The Tempest†, Prospero has been represented variously as a good, caring man or as a manipulating, devious â€Å"puppeteer†. Compare and contrast how he has been represented and make your conclusion as to what kind of character Prospero actually is. A-Prospero, the protagonist of Shakespeare’s â€Å"Tempest†, has been variously presented as a kind, wise man as well as an uncaring, power hungry tyrant. A very real and multifaceted character with plenty of grey shades, Prospero has been seen as some as a manifestation of the play writer himself. I believe that, although Prospero has his faults, all his seemingly callous actions are directed towards a happy ending for every one. The best side of his personality is reserved for his daughter, Miranda. Though he is, at times, domineering towards her – (â€Å"Hence! Hang not on my garments! â€Å") – he loves her deeply. He tells her that he done ‘nothing but in care of her’, and all his actions are for her benefit ad to secure her future. He calls her a ‘cherubin’ and uses various terms of endearment for her – ‘wench’ – which bring out his love for her. However, Prospero also ‘meddles’ a lot with his daughter’s emotions. She is led to fall in love with Ferdinand, and Prospero’s comments, â€Å"It goes on, I see†shows that the relationship is all part of his master plan. He spies on her clandestine meeting with Ferdinand, and he is, often, a puppet master and she is his puppet, docile and obedient. This underlines the control he has over her, and his lust for power, but he is redeemed by the fact that he is doing it all for her good, after all, ‘the end justifies the means’. His test for Ferdinand is because Elizabethan romantic convention holds that a man’s love must be proved to be true through feats of tests. Towards his estranged brother, Antonio, and his companions, Prospero is less kind. He subjects them to mental torture by conjuring a violent tempest, leading them to believe they are ship wrecked. He is portrayed as a master puppeteer manipulating his puppets as he watches the company blunder about the island. But however sinister his attitude was, the fact remained that Prospero instructed Ariel to keep them ‘unharmed’. His frequent praise of Gonzalo, ‘honest old lord’ shows the audience that he does not really intend any malice. He did not want to use physical violence, even though it could be justified by the cruel actions of Antonio. Even though Antonio is a thoroughly ‘bad’ character, Prospero’s lack of violence redeems him to the audience. At the end of the play, Prospero forgives all his misdeed that had taken place and it is this forgiveness that labels him as a kind wise man. The only time Prospero shows a truly ugly side to his character is when he deals with Caliban. He hurls epithets such as ‘tortoise’ and ‘earth’ to him and inflicts him with ‘cramps’ and ‘side stitches’. Caliban terror on seeing Stephano shows the fear instilled in him by Prospero’s spirits. Prospero’s actions towards Caliban are also, however, justified. Caliban’s attempted rape of Miranda and his repulsive desire to ‘people the island with Calibans’ rightly earns a harsh punishment from Prospero. The only unjustified act of Prospero is that he seems to put too much stock by Caliban’s birth and appearance. He calls him a ‘freckled whelp’, ‘hag born’. But even here, the prevailing Elizabethan belief was that anyone so misshapen was evil and deserved to be treated as such. Towards his other servant, the ‘airy’ and ‘light’ Ariel, Prospero is much kinder. He frequently calls her a ‘brave spirit’ and ‘my tricksy Ariel’, using possessive pronouns to signal acceptance and pride. The only time he is angry with Ariel is when the spirit demand its freedom, just when Prospero’s master plan is about to unfold. He is understandably angry: she is the key to a plan he has waited twelve years to operate and it is an opportunity not be given again. Prospero is a man who is multi-faceted and perhaps that is why he is so human. Though he has shades of grey, he is essentially a good man, who has been usurped of his dukedom. Shakespeare realised that Prospero was dealing with great evil, and could not afford to be too good and therefore nai ve. He had to be written as a firm, stern man who knew what he wanted and how to achieve it. Prospero may have manipulated his daughter, but only to restore her future and her status. He is callous to Ariel, but promises to set it free. He leads the company all over the island, but reunites them in the end. ‘All’s well that ends well’ and Prospero delivers, restoring his dukedom, marrying the lovers and ensuring happy endings.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Compare and Contrast The Hound of the Baskervilles Movie...
The Hound of the Baskervilles written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the movie The Hound of the Baskervilles directed by Jeremy Bret are two works of art that are mainly telling the same story. There are, however, many differences about the book and the movie. Those differences don’t affect the outcome of the story, but they give less impact to the story. Along with the differences there are many similarities, and those similarities give you confidence that it is the same story. One major difference in the movie†¦show more content†¦The chase was taken place inside of a building in the movie and in the book it took place outside on the street and the follower of Sir Henry just took off in a cab. A minor difference between the movie and the book was concerning the scene about Sir Henry going to the moor. In the book he was pretty upset that people were trying to keep him from going there, but in the movie he showed the least bit of emotion. This was not a major impact on the story but it definitely added character to Sir Henry. In the movie Sir Henry was somewhat timid and in the book that scene showed he was not afraid to stand up for himself. In the book Watson went by himself to Laura Lyons house then got Holmes and went back to her house though in the movie Watson went only once and he was accompanied by Holmes. This is a minor difference that did not affect the storyline at all I think the reason for cutting this scene out was for time reasons. I believe that this was a very opportune tim e to cut a scene out because the first visit had noShow MoreRelatedComparing The Hound Of The Baskervilles By Arthur Conan Doyle1180 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The differences are obvious†as Arthur Conan-Doyle states. (Doyle, 51) As all stories that have been both stories and books, there will he obviously some similarities and some differences between the two versions. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan-Doyle and the more recent movie in the 2012 TV series â€Å"Sherlock†, are two great examples to compare and contrast story lines. It is these two pieces that I will be writing about. Returning to Doyle’s quote, it is obvious while looking forRead MoreHounds of Baskervilles Essay1101 Words  | 5 PagesCompare and Contrast The Hound of the Baskervilles Movie and Book The Hound of the Baskervilles written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the movie The Hound of the Baskervilles directed by Jeremy Bret are two works of art that are mainly telling the same story. There are, however, many differences about the book and the movie. Those differences don’t affect the outcome of the story, but they give less impact to the story. Along with the differences there are many similarities, and those similaritiesRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesProduction: Lisa Rinaldi Full-Service Project Management: Christian Holdener, S4Carlisle Publishing Services Composition: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Printer/Binder: Courier/Kendallville Cover Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: 10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice
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